Sunday, September 23, 2012

Etsy Sale ~

It is time to have an Etsy sale and move some things on down the road so
if you have had your eye on anything , now would be the perfect time to buy.

I have added several old books with beautiful covers along with other vintage goodies.

Also, everyone who purchases a book will receive a set of EIGHT corner page bookmarks
that I have made absolutely FREE! Can't beat that deal! :)

{all will be assorted and chosen by me...not the specific ones in this photo}

So come on over and see if there is something that makes your heart go
pitter ~ patter. 

{You can click here}

If you choose to participate in this sale, you can either go ahead and purchase the items and then I will
refund the excess back to your account OR you can contact me and tell me what you want to purchase
and I will adjust the price for you and then you can purchase and pay.  Either way works for me.
Money is money right?? lol
Thank you!!

OOPS: I forgot to tell you about the sale...
buy one item and get another item of equal
 value or less HALF OFF! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I just found your blog and I am enjoying going through your past posts. I also enjoyed reading your profile. I think that we have a lot in common and I absolutely love your site. I am your newest follower. I would be over-the-moon if you would decide to honor me by following back. No matter, I am delighted to have found your lovely and inspiring blog. Connie :)


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