Monday, December 24, 2012

12.18.2012. An angel for Keira

It started out as a normal day just like any other day. Pretty routine.
Everyone gets up and goes to work, or prepares to start their day at home.
I like to think that I pray for my kids and grandchildren every day, but there
are those days that get so busy that I forget.  This particular day...I don't remember.

...but then came the text..."we are in the hospital with Keira. She had an accident at
the Y and almost lost part of her finger" about a jolt out of the blue!! If that
doesn't shake you awake I don't know what will.  I texted my son right back and he
kept in touch with me for the next several hours via texting and phone calls.

{thank God for amazing technology!! }

Keira { our little 5 year old petite ballerina granddaughter} had gotten her hand caught
in a large door at the Y and it made a mess of her finger. Such a tiny , sweet little girl who
 loves life so much and is so full  of joy was going through a horrible ordeal and there was
 nothing I could do except pray.

I prayed that God would send an angel to watch over her and comfort her little body and
mind at this time.

She was so brave and such a little trooper and we are so proud of her.  If I could have taken
away her pain and put it on myself, I would have, but we all know that life isn't that way.

Her finger got cut behind her fingernail at such a a downward angle that it literally almost took
the end of her finger off. It did take off a little slice of bone and we are so very thankful that
the doctors were able to fix her all up. Thankfully they gave her  meds so she could sleep
during the stitching.

Below is a picture and if you are the least bit squeamish, you will not want to view it.
Her tiny little finger is bloody and all stitched up at the end. She looks so tired in the photos,
but that little stinker insisted on going to her preschool program that night.  She did
not participate in it, but she wanted to go and she did!! 

We are so thankful that the accident was not any worse, but it goes to prove once again how life
can change in a split second.
Please keep her in
your prayers that all will go well with the
healing process.

Live life to the fullest and
cherish every single second!

Sorry this isn't a pretty Christmas post...:)
Blessings to each and everyone of you for Gods best in the New Year!!


  1. Poor little angel. I smashed my thumb in a bank vault and can completely understand the pain that she is going through. Lots of hugs and prayers coming her way! Merry Christmas!


  2. I know her pain will go away but don't we wish we could take that away. Love her spirt. Have a very Merry Christmas Di

  3. I pray that God heals your sweet little granddaughter.
    Merry Christmas!

  4. my goodness...poor little thing!!! happy she is on the mend. what a trooper and a xmas she will never forget.

  5. Oh poor little baby! That looks so painful. I hope Santa brings her some extra presents :)

  6. What a brave angel she was!
    Hoping she is feeling better, I am sure Santa was extra good to her!


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