Monday, December 24, 2012

Searching for Christmas

It happens every year. I always vow that the next year will be different, but it never is.
I get all excited for Christmas , the decor, the lights, the gift giving and all that goes
along with it. Cookie and candy making and love all around. BUT...every year
as it gets closer and closer, my joy slowly disappears and I am once again searching
 for Christmas.

The cookies and candy don't get made much anymore. I get too busy and
too frazzled to get done what I want to and I just get in a blue mood.  I know the true
meaning of Christmas ..really I do and I am so thankful for it, but I don't have
 a clue how to go about fixing the way I feel. Every year I just want to run away from the
  hustle, and bustle and try to find that Christmas peace once again.

Merry Christmas...praying that if you are searching like I will find it anew.


  1. The joy of Christmas is always there in your heart! Take a deep breath and listen to the quiet...God is whispering your name...He loves you...Merry Christmas and good night...

  2. you are not alone mon amie. i so feel the same way and my heart always feels heavy this time of year as i run from store to store buying presents ...something is missing...

  3. Merry merry Xmas from me ...enjoy these days.....thanks for your you


  4. Sandi,
    Always so grateful for someone who is brave and tells it like it is.
    I get really down this time of year also....
    I have cut back, and cut back and cut back on how much I do....but then never feel like I did enough.

    Jesus is the center of my life, but somehow around the holidays I just feel lost.....and like you, searching.

    We'll keep searching together...Jesus is always here with is just harder to see through the blue.

    hugs and sweet blessings girl


  5. I can relate, Sandi. This year is much more relaxed for me and I'm spending more time with my family without all the shopping, baking and stressing. Even my decor has been kept simple.

    Wishing you a blessed New Year!


  6. I do hear you, much like me, it sounds, I have all these grand expectations of myself and never seem to meet my own expectations. Perhaps the greatest gift my mother's death has given me this year it the opportunity to just have a prayerfull giftless (store bought) Christmas. I didn't bake, I didn't shop, I mostly cried. It was quiet, with few people I love around me. I know Christmas is a wonderful time, and while I love my Lord all year, celebrating His birthday is a joy that this year was a peaceful one. You know you are loved,have a Merry Christmas.

  7. I know exactly what you're saying, Sandi. I do the exact same thing. But you know....I think I know what's wrong with us. We're trying to capture the magic, the intrigue, and expectations that we felt as children. And for some reason, we adults are unable to grasp those feelings again. :( BUT we can grasp the real meaning of the season, and hold close to our hearts the peace, love, and joy that Christ the babe can only bring. Praying that your new year is full of joyful discoveries and peaceful moments, sweetie!

    xoxo laurie

  8. Yes, you are not alone Sandi. I think we do it to ourselves. Sending you a hug girlfriend!!


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