Thursday, October 3, 2013

Creating altered bottles once again

I have been trying to stay out of trouble, so therefore I have been creating a few altered bottles again
and these are the result.

Remember the post about all the fabulous old lace that I found at a sale?  Now I am thinking that I may have
 posted that on facebook and not on my blog? At any rate, I found some gorgeous lace!

I am very frustrated lately at the lighting in this house. It is not good at all. So bad that I have to turn
on lights in the daytime. ugh. So to get any kind of decent photos at all , I sat some books up on a stand
in my living room and taped a white poster-board on the window behind it. Still not real great, but much
better than what I had initially taken. lol.

I love to embellish old bottles and have had fun making these. This one is in honor of

This photo does not show the true beauty of this old lace, but I did what I could. I love simple
bottles so I try not to adorn them too much. I also love to add the lace to the bottle in the form
that I found it...thus this one is a diagonal swoop??   {this bottle is now sold}

Beautiful bottle top

There are so many of us kindred spirits in blog-land aren't there? I know I don't begin to create as many
things as a lot of others, but I do love the kinship that we all share.

Another beautiful bottle top

Delicate old lace with soft netting on this bottle

...along with scrunchy ribbon.

The original cork stopper in this one. I tried to take it out to wash it and part of it broke off so I left it unwashed and
glued that part of the cork back on. A girl's gotta do what a girls gotta do right?

This will probably land in my Etsy shop soon.Thanks for taking the time to view my handiwork. I do appreciate each
and every one of you so much!!

Happy Thursday!


  1. Beautiful bottles you've created. I so wish I had time to create again...maybe someday when I'm not always running kids around or going to their activities:-)


  2. Those are soo gorgeous Sandi!... I love my beautiful bottle you created some years back... it sits on my bedroom dresser... is that pretty one in cream colors with the crown for sale?... if so, I want it... xoxo Julie Marie

  3. These are so pretty Sandi...I cherish the one you gave me!!

  4. Great job at embellishing these bottles!!!!
    I've got so many craft projects on my list ... I seriously need to find some time.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great weekend.

  5. Love the beautiful bottles. Already pinned.

    Hugs from here

  6. Your altered bottles are beautiful! I gasped when I saw the first picture.
    These are very romantic.

  7. Well you have been busy. Great creations.

  8. These are beautiful, Sandi! You're so creative. I have a little tip that may help you with your lighting. Instead of putting your poster board up against the window, set your stand up between a piece of poster board and the window. The poster board will be parallel with the window, do you get what I mean? The light will come in the window, hit the poster board and bounce back onto the object. You'll be amazed at the difference it makes :)


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