Thursday, July 17, 2014

St. Francis of Assisi among the Hydrangeas

I love this time of year when my gorgeous pink hydrangeas
put on a beautiful show!  These are the easiest bushes I have ever grown.

I purchased them at the end of August in 2011 and they have performed for me amazingly
ever single year since then. They have very tiny and delicate florets that make up each flower
so they are definitely different than most hydrangeas.
They are certainly a show stopper!

I paid $5 each for huge bushes at the end of the season and I wish I had purchased
every single one of them. I went on a hunt for more this year and haven't found
any yet.

Don't you just love them in my metal Basil basket? 

I also added a few in this cement piece and it added the perfect punch of color.

St. Francis of Assisi hanging out in the middle of the beauty. I also have another St. Francis statue
that is cement and I love them both.

My daughter gave me this statue as a birthday gift or Mothers Day several years ago.
I don't remember which. lol

I looked up St. Francis of Assisi and here is what I learned. He was the patron Saint of animals.
I am sure you knew that as did I, but I also found out more information some of which
 I didn't know.

"He was a poor little man who astounded and inspired the church by taking the gospel
literally-not in a narrow fundamentalist sense , but in actually following all that Jesus
said and did, joyfully, without limit and without a mite of self-importance"...

"From the cross in the neglected field-chapel of San Damiano , Christ told him,
"Francis , go out and build up my house , for it is nearly falling down".
Francis became the totally poor and humble workman."

He was never ordained into the Catholic priesthood, but he is one of the most venerated
religious figures in history.
His father was a prosperous silk merchant and Francis led the high-spirited life of  a
typical wealthy young man even fighting as a soldier for Assisi. While going off to war
in 1204 Francis had a vision that directed him back to Assisi, where he lost his taste for
worldly life. On a pilgrimage to Rome he joined the poor in begging at St. Peter's
Basilica. The experience moved him to live in poverty.

Very interesting! I didn't type it all so if you want to read the whole story you can
click here and here or just google St Francis of Assisi.

Have a beautiful Thursday!


  1. I do love them! Especially the color. They look very happy where you have them. Unfortunately our climate is too hot and dry for them. Thanks for sharing yours!

  2. Your hydrangeas are just gorgeous, Sandi! I just posted about mine today, too. I am having a problem with one of the three I have. I am hoping it is going to make it and not die.

  3. They look really lovely! Enjoy... Alexandra

  4. Lovely flowers, and I've always wanted a St. Francis statue, but usually when I find on I like, I can't lift it, and I must be able to do that. so the hunt continues. My friend said yesterday, "call me" I'll help you lift it, I think I may. Lovely flowers, they are such a treat to grow, not too much work...

  5. I am patiently awaiting my hydrangeas to bloom...they are taking forever this year! Yours are just gorgeous!!

  6. My mouth just fell open when I looked at this first picture! These are stunning and my favorite color! My mom made a very large cross stitch of St. Francis of Assisi with lots of animals all around him. It hung on our wall when I was growing up and now my Aunt has it on hers.

  7. What beautiful hydrangea, Sandi! I don't think I've ever seen any with such petite blooms on it. Do you know the name...? I adore your St. Francis statue in front of your blue shutters. Just perfect!

    xoxo laurie

  8. Your pink blooms are breathtaking! Wow!

  9. Your Hydragea's are just gorgeous! Mine look good too but are much more of a hot pink--I love the soft pink you have. They are huge bushes for only being a few years old! Enjoy them :)

  10. My heart hurts that I don't have one of these bushes. But my heart is happy that you do! These are spectacular, Sandi ... enjoy!

  11. Those blooms are scrumptious! I am determined to find a little corner in the flowerbed next year and plant a hydrangea.

  12. Very Pretty Flowers in Pink and I too have St. Francis on My Parents Headstone.
    So Peaceful!


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