Sunday, July 13, 2014

Two of our precious granddaughters...

If you are facebook friends with me, you know by now that these  two  little sweeties of ours along with
 their mommy and daddy moved to North Dakota a few weeks ago. That is a LONGGGG way from
Michigan!  We miss them sooooooo much! They are the only ones of our grandchildren that lived
real close so now they are all spread out. {not sure how long they will be gone}

Grandpa and I took them on a walk to the park a few weeks ago and I snapped a few photos that
I wanted to share with you.

Don't you just love the way they dress? They love to wear pretty, sparkly dresses!
I didn't ask Annika to pose for me, but she sure did a good job.

Sweet little Ainsley.
We walked uptown to the BBQ place for lunch and they were closed.
The girls were disappointed...This sweet little face says it all!
She wanted BEANS! HA!

Beautiful little sisters.

HELP Grandpa!! HAHA!!

I was right in front of her getting ready to grab her.

I just LOVE the expression on Ainsley's face. She sure is tickled about something.

They loved sliding down this bar...with a little help of course.
I think Grandpa enjoyed it as much as they did.

They love to swing...and swing...and swing. It was hard to move on to something else
for little Ms. Ainsley, but we did. Notice her eyes are closed? lol

"Grandpa, this is the way it is..."

Even snuck a photo of yours truly in here.

The girls brought their kitty's up to stay at our house while they are gone and they are doing
pretty well finally! We didn't see them for days initially, but they are adjusting nicely.
This is Maive. I haven't gotten a photo of Merida yet , but they look a lot alike as they are

Hand in hand with Grandpa.

I just wanted to share these photos today as I am sure missing these little gals.
Love them so much!!!


  1. Oh Sandi, I'm sorry to hear your little granddaughters have moved away. I can only imagine how you feel. Right now I am lucky enough to live 5 minutes from my little granddaughter. My co-worker's first and only grandchild lives in Australia {we are in Ohio!} and gets to see her a few times a year. She is saving up right now to go in September. I know how lucky I am. I hope you get to see them soon!

  2. Those little girls are precious! So cute and spunky!

  3. Sweetness all dressed up in sparkly dresses. Wonder who was more tired after this adventure? Bet I can guess ...


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