Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A Marshall's Gift Card

What is a girl to do when her hubby gives her a gift card to Marshall's for Christmas??

{She found out right quick!}

She heads for the nearest store and spends it! lol

I had seen these spools of ribbon and trim in TJ Maxx and Home Goods before Christmas
and loved them, but did not purchase any.

I was trying to be good and I am downright proud of myself :)

I also picked up this gray throw.

With everything half off you can get twice as much..




  1. I loved those spools. But was a VERY good girl and did not purchase. Enjoy. Love the red.

  2. I saw those spools, too, Sandi, and wanted to buy them! I did not as I was there before work one morning for Christmas crackers and stuck to my goal. : ) Are they half off now? If so, I need to head back to my Home Goods (which is where I saw them) and see if they have any left. There were two that had caught my eye and I wouldn't mind buying them at half off!

  3. Hi Sandi,
    I love those spools. I have seen them at our Home Goods. Now I will have to check to see if they are on sale by me. What a great find. Have a great week.

  4. Love your find! Love the vintage look of your spools! That throw looks super cozy too. Have a great day!

  5. Yep - gift cards don't stay in my wallet very long either. You SCORED big time with yours. Lovely purchases.

    Can't wait for you to visit me!


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