Thursday, January 8, 2015

New calendar...Jeanne d Arc style

With a new year comes the need for a new calendar. I usually purchase a Paris or Italian themed one, but
wasn't finding any that I liked so I looked on Pinterest for free printable calendars.

and made my own!

I found this free printable calendar from Lemon Thistle. All I had to do was download and print it and wala.

A calendar in the making.

I love the simplicity of it, but I wanted to take it a bit farther.

I got out a gray cardstock and glued some lace to the bottom of it.

Along with some words that are "calendar appropriate".

I have had this quart mason jar just sitting around with hundreds of sayings to use
and they are even double sided!

So out they came and I sorted some ones out that would work on a calendar.

I can use a glue stick and add a word or two to a date anytime I want to. Yes, the words are a tad
bigger than what they should be , but who's looking?? lol

I added some lace and a vintage pants hanger and my Jeanne D Arc style calendar was born.

I have a lot of this lace that I found at the Goodwill on the original spool several months ago. I thought
it was perfect for this project.

This photo was my inspiration for my calendar , but I tweaked it a little.
You can make it your own with special little touches.

I love this book that I found the inspiration calendar in.

It is a Jeanne D' Arc Living book.


How is your new year going thus far?

 So far we have had to put two new tires on the jeep (unexpected expense
and with the last two weeks being three day pay check weeks...ugh) and hubby
just went out to leave for work and he has a flat tire on his vehicle so he has to use
the jeep...always something...but we are blessed!


  1. Its just beautiful. I love anything JDL style!

  2. Oh Sandi, your creativity never ceases to amaze me!... what a beautiful calendar you have created!... and I love that you have space to write or post your little sayings on... also love the vintage wooden hanger... I have all of my daddy's old wooden hangers... you just inspired me to create something, maybe my guiding word for 2015 painted and hanging from one?... much love, and Happy New Year!... xoxo... Julie Marie

  3. Gorgeous calendar! I'm inspired to try on for myself. I also love the spools you pictured on your last post! Like you, my internet time has been limited, so I don't drop by as often as I'd like. Enjoyed my visit tonight!

  4. Wowsie Sandi,
    Love this. So pretty and functional. I have that book and saw that in there too. I love your version. So pretty. Love all the little sayings throughout the months too. Stay warm.

  5. I'm loving your calendar. It's perfect for us girls who need something outside the box. The touch of lace and labels are so perfect!

    Happy New Year!


  6. You little genius you!!!! I really love your calendar Sandi. This is so unique and lovely and I am always inspired by the projects you do.
    Thank you so much for the lovely card you sent me for Christmas. I just wish I would have gotten one sent to you. Every time I looked at your card I smiled. Thank you so much for thinking of me Sandi.
    sending hugs...

  7. Oh Sandi, what a great idea. You are a genius!!!!!

    Happy day ...

  8. Hi Sandi,
    Ok now this is super cool, and I noticed that your inspiring words of dates might be a bit bigger then the line so you could still paste over the lines and circle the date that the birthday word takes up. This is an adorable calendar ....and to be so prepared with all the printed occasions marked off makes it so much more non forgettable.
    Love it on a clip board and all your embellishments.
    As for the JDA book Reuse I so have considered making a purchase on one, yet was hoping it was enough salvage or up styling that it wouldn't disappoint?

    Thank you dear for all that you inspired here today, giving me something else now to add to my creative list of Dos :)

    As for a Crochet/knit class you can take one at a local yarn store and you would pick up on it fast enough and in know time you will be making all these nordic throws we see all over the JDA books and magazines :)


  9. Hi Sandi,
    It's been awhile since I left you a note. I love seeing what you are up to. I had a Michael's card from Christmas and bought a new white pitcher and some solar light lids for mason jars. I forgot to go back to HomeSense for some more of those spools. I have 2 from before Christmas. Thought I needed some more. lol
    Still loving my JDL angel wings. I have them at the bottom of my stairs in a little cabinet. I can see them every time I come and go through the hall. Feels good to be so happy.
    *Hugs and Smiles*


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