Sunday, July 12, 2015

More Vacation Fun in North Carolina

Fort Fisher Beach in North Carolina is the last beach we visited before we came home.
 There are so many beaches there that are within 20 minutes or so of where my son and his family live.
What a life to live somewhere like that. I think I could adapt very nicely...until the hurricanes come.

 I have decided that I want to become a beach bum! What do you think? Do I fit the bill? ha!

Something most people don't know about me...I LOVE the water , the beach and the ocean,
but living for years with motion sickness, I have just kept my distance. If you have never had it,
it is not fun, however I was pleasantly surprised this time to not have much of a problem
with that at all.

Although, I am sure if I was on a huge boat with rolling waves I would spend my time hanging
 over the side losing my lunch. As I said...not fun.

These little granddaughters of ours LOVE the water. I haven't met many kids who don't.
They had so much fun!!

I do WISH that I had learned to swim as a youngster. That is one thing I have always
wanted to be able to do. I took swimming lessons one summer when I was probably
around 10 years old, but I did not pass. I passed the diving and flunked the swimming. I
was scared to death of my feet not being able to touch the bottom. ugh.
I don't know what you think , but I am sure a person can't save themselves by diving!! ha!!
 How I wish I had been allowed to go back the next year and actually learn. 

Beautiful little sisters Annika Lilyana and Ainsley Paige.

Family photo shoot time again!

{I never remember to have anyone take photos of hubby and I}

This man of mine was looking for ships or anything really. It doesn't take much to make him happy. 

We searched for shells at this beach and found several. I also brought some sand home.
 I am trying to make a beach inspired jar filled with goodies as a reminder of our wonderful time.
I am so ready to go back!!


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