Wednesday, July 8, 2015

North Carolina Vacation...Part 2

We continue this post with our trip to North Carolina. If you have never been to
The Arboretum of Hanover County you are missing a gem. This place is so gorgeous!

This is the Children's Garden.

I just adore this little house and fence.

This is the beautiful Rose Garden that is just loaded with different kinds of roses.

The building above houses the Gift Shop and restrooms. It was hot, hot, hot this day so we all
took advantage of the cool air inside.

Love the tables and chairs. Just perfect for a picnic.

They had bright painted objects throughout the garden. Usually I am not drawn to bright colors,
but they fit in just right here.

Entrance to the Rose Garden that our two granddaughters are walking through.

My hubby loved this dragon. I think he would have pulled it home if he could. lol
Notice the GREEN water. Seemed to be that way a lot of places. Not sure why.

Feeding the fish. These fish were HUGE and there were a lot of them!

Perfect walk for a Children's Garden.

I hope you enjoyed your tour though this amazing place. They also had a Japanese Garden, but
those photos didn't turn out too great. It was a very sunny and bright day. Just right for
wandering through unknown paths and enjoying all of God's beautiful creation!



  1. What a breathtaking place. If I lived near it I would visit weekly. The rose garden is so impressive. The white arbor is my favorite. Thank you for sharing this beautiful place full of inspiration.

  2. Sandi,
    So pretty. Loved going on the tour with you. North Carolina is such a beautiful state to visit.

  3. We've lived in Leland for about 5 years, and we haven't been yet. I think we are missing out! I do have trouble with my knees, so walking very far doesn't feel good.(We have been to the front where they have plants for sale.) There is another arboretum near there, but there is a fee.

  4. What a beautiful place, Sandi. Seeing those water lilies and lotus reminds me of working for the landscape company years ago, where we specialized in creating water gardens for customers. The water is most likely green because the ponds are in full sun, it's probably been hot and humid there, and rainfall carries lots of protein in it which in turn creates algae blooms turning the water green. Great cover and protection for the fish, but not so nice to look at. lol

    xoxo laurie


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