Monday, June 13, 2016

So thankful for your thoughts and prayers...

I can't even begin to tell you how much comfort and support we have received from family and friends
in the past three weeks since our beautiful granddaughter Eden Rain was stillborn. All I can say is

you. are. amazing.

God has met financial needs for my son and his family during very difficult time and many of you have also
 sent gifts for them, the girls and myself.

 I can't say

thank you

enough. My son said "wow there are so many people who love and care for us".


I received the necklace above from a dear blog friend who lives in New York.
We have never even met face to face, but only have communicated online.

I was so touched when I opened this keepsake that she had made just for me.


and...I cried.
yes, I did...I've been doing a lot of that lately and I am sure I will do more
in the days, months, years ahead.

She also sent gifts for the girls and a financial gift as well.

I have received gifts of money from many of you for my family and we so appreciate it.

You have shown God's love in tangible ways and we say


I have written several poems and cried through every single one of them.

It is helping me heal although we will never get over this loss.

We will look for ways to incorporate sweet Edens memory into our everyday lives.

I created a facebook page called

Prayers for the Boothman Family

if you will click on the link above it will take you there.

It includes the poems that I have written to date and I am sure it will
include many more in the years to come.

We so covet your continued thoughts and prayers for our precious family.

May God bless each and every one of you!


  1. Sandi - Still holding you and your family up in prayers daily.


  2. Continued prayers and love to you and your family!

  3. You are all constantly in my thoughts and prayers!!

  4. I'm so thankful that you have received support. The necklace is lovely & such a sweet memory of Eden Rain. Still praying for your broken hearts.

  5. Sandi,
    Still praying for you and your family. Such loss is so hard to even comprehend. Just glad you can breathe each day and work through your grief. I know your heart is heavy please know we are praying and sending hugs.

  6. My heart goes out to you and your family... I do know how you feel♥♥


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