Are you smiling a lot?
What color are your eyes?
What are you doing now
Since we said our goodbyes?
Is heaven full of beauty?
Are you loving it there?
Do the angels tell you
When I whisper a prayer?
Do they sing to you Eden
Their sweet lullabies?
Do they hold you and kiss you
Up there in the sky?
I know in my heart you're
the most beautiful one there
With your daddy's little nose
And your mommy's dark hair
I wish heaven could send
down photos of you
So that we could see
All the things that you do.
Your wings must be tiny
And glistening white
And to see Jesus hold you
Must be quite a sight.
I wonder if the angels
Take turns holding you too
Because I'm sure they love babies
Just as much as we do
"This baby is special"
I can just hear one say
"Because she came to us
On her birth day..".
"She'll never know pain
Or heartache or woe
But her family on earth
Still misses her so"
"So Eden, flutter your wings
A little extra today
And maybe they'll feel it
And look up and say"
"Did you feel that soft breeze
And that light gentle rain?
I just know it's our Eden
Saying hello once again".
Written by Grandma Sandi Boothman ...July 19, 2016
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