Tuesday, February 27, 2018

SPRING ahead with ThermaLeaf®

We have had a very frigid winter this year in Michigan along with a lot of snow and I am
SOOOO over it! Spring can't come soon enough for me. I am beyond ready!

I have wanted to change up my decor and add some spring pieces lately. That is what
happens when you get too much snow and cold month after month. UGH! With that
 in mind, do you love silk plants, greenery, trees, preserved boxwood and succulents?
 It has come a long way from what it used to be and it looks so realistic nowadays.
You can find some amazing pieces that look just like the real deal.

I'm here to tell you that I don't have a green thumb at all for inside plants. I can do a great
job with outdoor plants, but keeping indoor plants alive continues to elude me. lol

However, I do love to bring in touches of spring a little early than most so I was very
excited when ThermaLeaf® contacted me to see if I would like free product. After
perusing their sites, I gave them a resounding YES. 

I chose preserved boxwood wreaths along with a cute little bunny succulent piece.
I was so excited to come home a few days ago to find a big box waiting for me
and I knew exactly what it was. My treasures had arrived!
{can you feel the excitement??}

Right away I noticed the great quality of the wreaths. I don't know about you,
but I can never have enough preserved boxwood items...

...and this little bunny piece is just perfect for Easter and Spring! it is very cute. I put it up
on a pedestal of sorts and love the look.

ThermaLeaf® also sells fire retardant plants for your home or business so if you are looking
for something special, I suggest that you give them a try. They carry a wide variety and
with their huge selection, I'm sure you will find something that will add that perfect
touch to your home or business.

I intended to take more photos , but the lighting just isn't good here today...again.
SIGH...like I said ...waiting for Spring.

Have a beautiful day!

*I received product in exchange for a review, but the opinions contained here in
are my own.


  1. You're right about our Michigan winter. And snow predicted for tomorrow here in Lansing but it can't last long. These past few days have been a real gift! Your spring decorations are lovely. I'm in the same mode these days!

  2. Soooo tired of the Michigan weather!! We left for Sanibel Island last week, and are loving it here!! lol. Your faux greens are fantastic, Sandi! I especially love the rabbit arrangement....You put together a sweet spring/Easter display. Hopefully the weather will warm up soon.

  3. Hi Sandi,
    I am so over this winter weather too. I love your little bunny arrangement. Adorable. I had to laugh when you wrote about not being great with indoor plants. I am the exact same way. Nothing stays alive inside my house but outside I am good. Come over to my blog post today I have a little surprise for you.
    Happy Tuesday. Lets hope we see an early Spring.

  4. Ahhh so dreamy, such pretty things! I love the little white rabbit :D I hope the weather has warmed up for you! xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara
    (I would love to follow each other on bloglovin if you like :D)


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