Monday, February 5, 2018

White and chippy farmhouse love

I have been creating more wooden tags over the past few weeks.

These are a few of the ones I have made.

These are perfect to add a special touch to a special package and
I also just finished an order of 100 tags for a wedding.

I have also filled a couple orders for some stores.

I have added some to my Etsy shoppe in case you are interested.

Click HERE to go to my store.

I hope these photos are decent quality. I took them with my phone and
am doing this post on my kindle. I don't get on my regular computer
much anymore. Do you? 

The tags above are the ones I made for a wedding. They turned out great and
they were very happy with them. Yay for happy customers.

I hope all my blog friends are doing well. So far we have escaped that awful
flu that is rampant this year. I pray we continue to do so. It is especially scary for little ones.

God bless each and every one of you with good health and happiness!


  1. Sandi,
    These are really sweet and what a perfect tag for a wedding. I bet the people you made these for their wedding are thrilled.
    Have a great new week.

  2. Your tags are perfect, Sandi! I can see why your clients were so pleased with them. I did get that flu, and it's been over two weeks now...ugh.
    Cannot wait for Spring to get here!


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