I just want to take this opportunity to thank all of
you who take time out of your busy day to check out
my blog and see what I am up to.
*Karen* recently sent me an email and told me that
she is one of my *quiet followers*...
she thought that sounded much nicer than
a *lurker*.
I agree and just had to say thank you to everyone
who reads my ramblings. Somedays they probably
aren't worth reading, but you still hang in there with me
and I am so grateful!
In light of now having passed 300 followers stay tuned
for a giveaway coming up soon! I have to figure out
what I am going to offer first. lol.
Blessed and oh so thankful to have you in my blog life!
Well, I'm not usually accused of being too quiet, but I also love to read your blog.....always! I've even been reading some while I was even too sick to comment!
Love your pic you shared today ~
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Hello Sandi... I am one of your "not so quiet" followers, tee hee hee! Anyway, I love seeing what you are up to... you always have the prettiest photos and the funnest things to post about! xoxo Julie Marie
Gee Sandi... I feel like I should thank you for having a lovely blog to view LOVELY PICS AND WRITINGS...Enjoy your weekend.. Looks like rain here??/
"Quiet followers" yes, I like that!I always thought "lurker" sounded a bit peeping tomish! I just don't always have time to comment but I don't let that stop me for visiting! ♥
I always find it very refreshing to visit your "white" blog. Love your white stuff. I wish I could be that brave to paint everything white. I've just done my studio in white pieces, still many to paint, and I'm really liking the clean look. thank you for your inspiration always.
I was once one of those "lurkers" on many blogs, always afraid to make comment, since at the time I didn't have my own blog! I am so happy that I discovered the wonderful world of blogging! I have "met" so many wonderful, and creative kindred spirits out there! Have a great weekend!
Congrats on your 300! You have a lovely blog and I love to visit!
Hugs, Lisa
I'm thankful for my quiet followers, too. What a lovely way to say your love someone's blog!
I've always loved your beautiful blog...
Reading your blog and looking at your gorgeous, lush photos is a treat!
I, too, am a *quiet follower* ... wouldn't miss your words for anything. Thanks!
Karen is right, quiet follower sounds much better than being a lurker
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