Showing posts with label white. Show all posts
Showing posts with label white. Show all posts

Friday, December 6, 2019

Christmas in Michigan!

I rarely find time these days to post on my blog, but I wanted to take the time to do so today.
This is my home decorated for winter/Christmas. I have fallen in love with neutrals over the last
several years and that shows in my decor. I did add a few pops of red this year though.
 I know...shocking! lol

Most of my decor I have accumulated over the years adding a piece or two every now and then.
I found these reindeer at Home Goods this year and I love them!

How cute is that little spool with printed fabric on it? I found it at a local antique store.

This is my antique buffet. I have mulled over painting it WHITE for years, but haven't
taken the plunge yet. I'm thinking maybe I can remedy that soon. I KNOW it would
make the details POP and it isn't perfect so...what do you think?

I've had my cement angel for years as well and I just love her. She gets dressed up for winter,
fall and other sesasons, but I love her winter robe most of all.

This pottery set is Rae Dunn which I'm sure you all know. It has the word plant and two other words
 on it. I forget just now what the other two are.. lol I just turn it backwards in the winter so the words
don't show and then I add snowy trees. 

I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my crooked little tree! I picked it up at Lowes last year after
the holidays or right before. I don't remember. It was the last one they had and the
display model. The lights worked for one month and then half of them burnt out. ugh.
This year we added our own lights and hopefully they will last through the holidays.

See the trees in the background. Yep, hubby is still turning trees. These are BIG ones.
I think the biggest is 17 inches tall. LOVE THEM!

My birdcage that I have had forever and it seems to sit in the same spot. I really need
to move things around a little. I just get so busy and then tired and don't think about it. 

I add an ornament every year for our beautiful stillborn granddaughter Eden Rain and
this is the one for 2019. I added the paper banner. We miss her so...

This is on my back porch/laundry room. We live in an old house and while it has it quirks and issues I
don't mind one bit. It just seems cozier somehow.

Back to my buffet again. You would think I could get my act together for just ONE post. HA!
I give up.

This MIRROR! We bought this a trillion years ago at a garage sale for 50 cents because it was coming apart.
A little glue and clamps and she was good as new. She is even beveled!
She looks perfect with my buffet that hubby purchased before we were married and had stored in a barn!
Goodness. I'm glad that I rescued it. :)

Still in LOVE with this old faux fireplace. The theme of this post seems to be LOVE doesn't
it? This is in my tiny bedroom and it make me happy every time I look at it. I really enjoy
decorating it for the different seasons.

Back to our back porch/laundry room. Hubby made this pallet box for me a few years ago and I white
washed it and added the words. It is perfect for faux candles that are on a timer.

My Target basket and greenery that I purchased for a song last year when a store
was closing. I bought many quality greenery items. A girl can never have too much
can she?? lol

It is what the season is all about...Jesus is the reason for the season.

My fun piece in the kitchen. I bought the star lights at a discount store where you
never know if things will work, but I took a chance and they did. I adore them.

Back porch decor again.  This is on a long shelf above my washer and dryer. I should
have taken a photo of the whole room. If it had been clean I would
I can do close-ups,but for heavens sake don't pan out in the whole room right now. My house
usually looks like a bomb went off at this time of year from all the decor here , there and
everywhere until I get it all done. 

That was a little glimpse (Okay a LOT of glimpse) into my Christmas decor this year. I do have
more, but all good things must come to an end right? I'm tired and I'm sure you are tired from
viewing all these pics.

(I must change my header now! I just noticed it is still fall up there. HA!!)

 I pray you all have a wonderful holiday season!
 God bless each one of you!!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

I am privileged to be sewing Angel Baby Gowns again

I consider it a privilege once again to be sewing angel baby gowns for precious little ones
who don't get to stay here on earth. Be it through stillbirth, miscarriage, fatal diagnosis
in the womb etc. they are all special and each one is made in His image.

I hope to bring a little bit of love to these families and although most likely we will never
meet face to face, I put so much love in each and every stitch and many prayers as well.

Our family knows all too well the grief of losing a little one before their life even begins and it
is heartbreaking. Society thinks a person should get over it and move on in a few weeks, but
that does not happen and it shouldn't happen. These little ones were a huge part of each and every
family that loved and wanted them so very much.

Sufficient Grace Ministries was there for our family in the midst of our unbearable heartache and we
can't say enough great things about them. From taking hundreds of photos of each of us with our
Eden to making hand-prints, to giving a gown that someone made, a blanket, books, etc. and most
of all their prayers. Gods love was abundant that day along with our unquenchable grief and it was
amazing. I can't imagine being my son and his wife because being a grandparent is gut-wrenching
enough when something like this happens. 

I started making gowns for sweet babies in August 2016 just a mere three months after we
had to say goodbye to Eden Rain before we could even say hello. A perfectly formed and
beautiful little full term girl with dark hair. She was so very loved before she was even
born. We don't understand why these things happen, but we hold dear to our hearts that
someday we will see her again in Heaven.

I have been working on 13 tiny dresses. THIRTEEN! They all came from ONE donated wedding
 dress. Amazing!! I thank God for the people who donate because without them I couldn't do
 what I do at all. May God bless each and every one of them!

Sufficient Grace is a ministry that always needs help, prayer and support so if you feel inclined
 to give , please click here and you will be taken to Sufficient Grace Ministries page.

They are so very thankful for any support you can give be it large or small.

We miss our precious Eden so very much and no one will ever replace her, but her mommy and
daddy are expecting their first little boy due in November. Could you please pray with me that
all goes well and he is born a very healthy baby? We would appreciate that so very much!

The wedding dress that I made these gowns from was LOADED with beads, trim, sequins and was
gorgeous! The owner of it was thrilled to see that I was able to make so many tiny dresses. I think I can
even get one or two more out of it!

Some families don't have anything nice to dress their babies in so they are thrilled to
receive a dress to lay their precious little one to rest. All they will ever have is the
moments of letting go. No watching them grow, no firsts etc. It is over before it
even begins for many women.
In making these gowns we want to let them know that we are walking
along side them on their grief journey and that God is with them also.

I am sure if I read back through this post it probably sounds like I am babbling on and one,
but this is very near and dear to my heart. Until next time...

Please hug your loved ones a little tighter and give those sweet babies and grandbabies
kisses and hugs from me.


Sunday, December 20, 2015


Merry Christmas to you and yours and may you have a blessed New Year!