I love sitting on my front porch with my sweet
2 year old granddaughter Annika.
She says, "I want to swinggggg...I want to swinggggg"
so we go out and sit in the glider and swing.
It makes her so happy ~

I took these photos at the beginning of flower season
when the flowers were in full bloom ~

I usually have pillows on my glider ...
I have no idea how I missed that~

LOVE ferns on my front porch~

I want to spray paint the mirror on the wall white
It has birds on it and it would just be perfect then ~

Once again, lovely flowers when in all reality right now...
the petunias in the cone basket don't look too great.
Where is my gardener ~

I sat an old iron chair over my white phlox.
They are just starting to bloom right now ~

Love my pinks ~
We have not done one thing to this porch since we moved here
in 1982. It could use some renovation , but it just
hasn't happened and at our age now I doubt it ever will.
I will just continue to enjoy it as is.
G'morn, Sandi ~ What a lovely front porch presentation .. so inviting & relaxing. Love the flowers & baskets. Hugs, TTFN ~Marydon
I love you pinks too, and your front porch doesn't look like it needs anything except maybe a cool drink. Beautiful shots.
Hi Sandi... You porch still is very cozy... I know what you mean about the renovations.... Think I am pretty well locked into what I have also but we are very very lucky ladies.... There are so very many whom have no homes at all and our soldiers have endured with very little for years now trying to keep our country safe... I think I will just be very thankful and enjoy what has been provided... It's really pretty darn good.... You just have a lovely touch.... It is funny I just wrote a short post this morning to place on in the next couple days... Our minds do run the same circuit......
your front porch is gorgeous!!!!
BEAUTIFUL!!! I come and swing too if your granddaughter will let me!
Absolutely Beautiful!!
Oh, but it's so beautiful! What a wonderful memory for Annika!
Good morning, Sandi
I'd love spending time on that porch too. So pretty with all your flowers.
Happy day!
Lovely Porch! I love your glider!!!
Hugs, Lisa
I absolutely love your porch Sandi! It's stunning! Wish I could sit on it with you and drink some iced tea ;)
Oh i've missed so much while I've been away1 I love your porch and I think your flowers look lovely! ♥
I think your porch and yard is lovely & inviting I would love to sit & have a cup of whatever there in the shade where all your pretty flowers are...just gorgeous!
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