Don't you just love this garden wall fountain?
I do!
I picked it out when it was on clearance at Lowes this fall and
told hubby it could be my Christmas gift.
{I was even very good and didn't open the box until Christmas}
Can't wait to get it up in the spring/summer.

DH also got me gift cards to Michaels and TJ Maxx.
Can't wait to go shopping!
Now...on to the success story...

for our counter in our kitchen (it really is)
and I told hubby that if he ever got one, it needed
to be smaller. After several days he finally conceeded and
agreed with me that he could understand why I would want a
smaller one for our kitchen.
You have to understand that I have never pulled off
any Christmas gift for this man of mine without him knowing
or finding out what it was before Christmas even came.
I have even taken his gifts to my parents house in years
past and he still figured them out.
Let me tell you...he had NO CLUE about his prize coffeemaker!
I had whined so much that he had given up on it.
Was he ever shocked when I brought out this big box.
He was ripping off newspaper like it was his first gift ever
I am serious...paper was really flying!! lol
(I wrapped it in newspaper and hid it very well...
he still is trying to figure out where it was )
So happy I finally pulled off the biggest surprise ever...
it only took me 32 years!!
Blessings to you today~
LOVE your fountain...I would...I have one just like it!!!! You can see it in "Merry Christmas to all" post. It's soooo nice to sit out on my porch and hearing it flow!
Happy New Year!
Looks like a great Christmas....
Congrats on surprising your hubbs! I'm wondering how these machines do. Give us an update on how you like it. Also, your fountain is really gorgeous. You've had some lovely posts lately, I had to catch up. Happy Happy New Year to you and your family.
Love your fountain, and what a good Santa you've become. I could hide my husbands gifts right in his drawer and he would never guess. Sounds like a great Christmas.
LOL, congratulations on finally surprising your hubby!
I love the fountain. Simply Divine. But surprising the hubby... that is awesomeness at it's best!!! Have a blessed and Happy New Year!!
Aw what a great Christmas then.
All the best,
Gorgous Fountain Sandi. I can see why you fell in love with it. Congrats on being able to surprise your husband with his Christmas gift after all these years. You must have been just as excited as he was to see the surprise on his face as he opened his gift. Too fun!!
What a great Santa you both had!! You will love the fountain!!
Happy New Year!!
YAY for you! That would make me *so* mad not being able to surprise him...
and that is a very sweet , great idea for your parents to we keep accumulating more *stuff* it really does seem like the thing to do.
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