I don't have to type it all up or even copy and paste.
If you love chicken and basil...I pinky promise you will
love this recipe!!
that, but I just use chicken breast because that is me.
I always use chicken breast for everything that calls
for chicken. lol.
I found these pictures that I had taken probably a couple
years ago and it makes me sooo hungry for some right
now. I may need to make it this weekend. As blustery as
it is here in Michigan it would be wonderful!
{I just noticed that the sodium is very high in this recipe.
I think next time I will try low sodium chicken broth...
worth a try anyways.}
Ooooh! That's looking so scrumptious right now, Sandi! Thanks for sharing it!
Hope you're having a wonderful holiday weekend!
Looks delish Sandi! I want some right now too... LOVE chicken and dumplings!... xoxo Julie Marie
Yup@ You are right, sweet friend ... there is a nip in the air in the eve & early morn! The heat during the day hasn't died down one bit tho.
Love the recipe, TY for sharing. Will give this a try.
So whatcha doing this weekend? We are finishing up at the new house ... yah! It is looking really good.
Have a great & safe weekend, hugs of love, Marydon
Mmmmm...perfect feast for the cooler weather (or anytime!)!!
Isn't it funny, the weather here is blustery as well, and we want something warm and "Home" this certainly fills that bill. Thanks Sandi.
Looks delish and perfect fall fare!
I remember the first time I made this for you. I LOVE basil with chicken meals like this. It's so yummy! I was just thinking of making this sometime this coming week. Yummy!
mmmm ... cozy comfy food!
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