...by granddaughter Miss Annika at her preschool
Christmas program.

did this several times...
{we were flabbergasted !! }

We can't figure out why the tongue sticking out.
She looked right at us and wiggled her tongue
several times. I believe this is her first time
*on stage* so maybe it was just to get a feel
for performing! lol. Perform she did!
Her mommy and daddy were sitting beside us
whispering at her to not do it, but she just
kept smiling and continuing on. This one is a
pistol , but we still love her to pieces.
And now on the the winner of my goodies:
I did the random number generator thingy and
it came up with number *31* which is
*MO* @ Rose Petals from Heaven Blog
Congratulations MO!!
Happy Weekend~
How sweet. What fun to watch, your grandaughter is adorable and it looks like a lot of fun.
Hello, Oh what a sweet granddaughter, you never know what they will do, thanks for sharing. Congratulations to Mo. Have a wonderful weekend. Terri
Oh my gosh... How fun... She is dressed adorabe...
Too funny! When my daughter was in preschool she was given a very short line to say and was disgruntled by that fact. When the big day came and it was her turn she stepped up to the microphone and proceeded to spit out the line of the next child not her own, which was much longer, causing a gush of tears from the next child. I am not sure what got into her but she did turn to the other child and say she was sorry. Kids! Your little darling sure is cute. Happy Saturday!
So funny! What a cutie your little granddaughter is! Sounds like she has found her calling on stage!! And congrats to the winner of your giveaway! Hope you have a great weekend!
Priceless photos..the little boy with the train on his shirt, doesn't look happy at all..
Congrat's to the winner!
deb :)
oh she's a pistol all right! I LOVE it! How adorable!
Love the pics of your granddaughter! There's nothing like them, is there?
Hi Sandi, Oh my gosh!!!!! I cannot believe I won your awsome, spectacular, one of a kind giveaway. I will cherish each and every item and I will blog about them. Wow, I am ecstatic! I will email you with my address.
I would like to post about winning your giveaway. But I will be doing it tomorrow. Because today I need to post about my Mother's birthday. If I don't, her heart will break.
I am so happy, you have officially made my week! (And I have had a very good week) *wink* & * lotsa hugs to you*
I was so excited I forgot to comment about your precious grandaughter. Those days are priceless and are forever caught in those wonderful pictures. Thank you for sharing the moment with all of us here. *hugs*
One more comment from me...(please)...
Thank you to all those wishing Congratulations to me on Sandi's beautiful Giveaway win. You guys are so sweet. mo
Hi Sandi, congratulations to your winner Mo!... your little granddaughter is so adorable, and does sound like a little "Pistol"... love it! I have always loved the name Annika too, since I was a little girl reading about Tommy and Annika in Pippi Longstocking... have a beautiful weekend... xoxo Julie Marie
She is one hot ticket!!! Love her sweet outfit!
Keep those pictures handy, LOL, to show to boyfriends later on!
Oh my goodness! I would have had a terrible time not laughing (the first time she did it, anyway). They are precious!!!
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