this gorgeous apron that she made. Be sure and enter...
wait ...no don't do that because I want to win.
Just kidding...you all have my permission to enter.
I will probably scream and cry again if I don't win,
but I will survive...lol ~
I pray you all have a lovely Tuesday. I am going to my optometrist
today to get my eyes checked and pick out new glasses.
{haven't gone for four years so it is time}
I told hubby that I am
going to get glasses that *make a statement*...
I am 50 years old and it is time I made a statement". :)
I will check it out.....
I remember when I got my 1st pair of bi-focals..... I couldn't find anything below my nose!! LOL!!
Good luck! I always hate picking out new glasses.
The apron is beautiful! I'm going to check it out-thanks for sharing the news:).
Hi Sandi!
Thanks for the heads-up on this glorious giveaway....What a beautiful job she did on this little apron.
Good luck on the glasses-picking-out.... :-) It's something I hate to do...I actually bought TWO pairs last time and am not totally thrilled with either pair..........I'm still kicking myself.
Warm blessings,
Hello from Canada!!! Not that far from you really,just across the border...just wanted to say thanks for leaving me such a sweet note! Good luck with the glasses! Chrissy
I am so interested in seeing your new specs...
How about RED glasses, LOL!? Have fun and be sure to share with us your decision!
Hi Sandi,
Thanks for the heads up...this apron is gorgeous!
yes go for it! buy some glasses that say look at me i love my glasses!
My eyes were really burning for a couple of days and felt like they were gonna pop out of my head. Maybe it was the sudden heat we had around here with a little bit of hovering dust mixed in. Ugh! I don't mind bright, sunny days with blue skies. I love them! But if we are already having these temps in February, that means it is only gonna get hotter -- and already during the summer we get above 120 degrees. Not good at all! I wear contacts; only glasses in the evening (and reading glasses when necessary). Good luck finding just the right ones for you to make a statement! You go girl! Blessings, Tammy
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