First I want to apologize yet again for not making it
to many of your blogs! You are all so kind to leave me comments
and many times I can't leave you one . Some blogs I have no
problem at all, but others I have real problems leaving
comments on my dial up. Please know that I appreciate all
your comments and I do try to get to your blog
and leave you one as well. If you leave an email trail I do try
to get back to you that way if I can't leave a comment.
One of these days I hope to have high speed...
can't be soon enough for me. LOL
now on to the tutorial ...

Several of you have asked for the tutorial that
I found online to make these frayed rosettes
and I finally found it again.
{yes I would misplace my arm if it was not attached .lol} just click here and then click on
*download sisboomfrayedrosettes*
they each have their own personality~
Just like each unique rose,
one of us as individuals. He would have
died for me alone had I been the only
one on earth and that is amazing love~
enjoy and have a blessed day~
Good morning, Sandi! Thanks for the link to the rosette tutorial--I love them! I'll be making some of those for my cards! Hope you're having a beautiful day so far!
so pretty, thank you so much
I adore your frayed roses!!!Thanks so much for the link to the tutorial. I always love your sweet vignettes.
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
THANK YOU so much! I love these!
I simply adore your frayed roses!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!
Sandi, those are soooo beautiful! Thanks so much for the link!
Hi Sandi,
I have missed you. This is so great that you could share this tutorial. I found a tutorial on rosettes about a month ago and for the life of me cannot find it again. It's not this same one though.
Oh do I remember how much trouble I had leaving comments when I was on dial up. What a nightmare. It made me almost give up blogging. My internet service isn't real fast, but it sure beats what it was. Some blogs I couldn't even visit, because my computer would freeze up.
Oh, I hope I remember to look at this tutorial when I have time!!
Did you hear? My grandkids are coming!!!!
Remind me after they leave okay? ♥
Sandi amor, what a beautiful tutorial! Thank you for being so sweet and sharing it with us :) As for visiting don't worry about it, I love visiting your lovely blog and that is more than enough for me, just keep sharing all the beauty that you do :) Besos, Rose
I know mine is one of those 'problematic' blogs for you no worries! I often just simply can't find the spare it is a marvel when I can and I know it is the same for others out there. Thanks for the link to the tutorial! I am gonna have to try that!
Hi Sandi,
Thanks for coming by to enter my little giveaway! And thanks for sharing where you found that tutorial! I have so been wanting to try my hand at these roses and now I can!
thanks for the tut.
And love what you have at the end of your post,and oh so true!
barbara jean
Thanks for the link to the tutorial on frayed roses! I tried my hand at it on Monday and it worked perfectly! There are so many ways one can use these beautiful just blows the mind! Thanks so much for sharing and your endless inspiration!
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