I am on the hunt for one of these beauties...
Sweet Autumn Clematis.
Do any of you grow them?
According to what I read online they are easy to grow and
are abundant with these gorgeous white flowers in the fall.

It's shaping up to be one of those days today...
I have a sore on top of my nose
{it resembles a pimple which I never get let alone on my
nose. I will not be venturing out in public today. lol. },
I caught a nasty cold that has settled in my throat.
It kept me awake most of the night and I am
constantly clearing my throat or coughing,
AND the furnace is not working.
Why is it that in the spring when we are done using
the furnace it works fine and then in the fall it won't
come on.This will be our 2nd or 3rd year of this
happening and having to call in a repair man.
It is not that old for this to keep happening every year.
Hubby says the diagnostic is flashing 9 times so
I got out the instructions today and this is what it says
for nine red flashes,
"grounding or line polarity fault"...
don't have a clue!
Now that I got that out, I am going to try and put on my
thankful hat today for all the postives in my life and try
not to focus on the negative.
Have a lovely fall day.