Sunday, June 12, 2011

French Style Giveaway x 2 !!

As promised I am doing a giveaway of some of the
goodies I purchased at Peacock Parks warehouse
sale that so many of you loved.
Not only that , but I have decided to have two giveaways
instead of just one. YAY for two lucky people!

Here is the first giveaway:
A french style tote and a french style canvas print.

The second giveaway is for this canvas pink rose print apron and a pink rose tin wall hanging. {no pockets in the apron, but still so sweet}

Easy peasy to enter too! All you have to do is leave a comment on this post telling me what your favorite frenchy item was on one of my Peacock Park posts. {Click here and here to check them out}

If you want a second entry grab the first photo above and blog about it or put it on your sidebar and leave me a separate entry telling me that you did so.

Also please let me know which giveaway that you

want to be entered in.

Number 1 or Number 2.

No anonymous entries and only US and

Canada at this time please.

Entries will be received until June 22nd and I

will draw a winner sometime on June 23.

Thank you!! Blessings~


{oops...accidentally deleted my signature on this post}



After looking, Again, at the treasures that you bought..Totes are always handy and wire baksets call to me too. The canvas prints are pretty!
I would love to receive either one!
Thanks for having a giveaway!

Live Better For Less said...

Pick only one favorite item? Tough call! I really love all of it! The French style book boxes are so very nice....maybe my favorite. But, I also really love the flower bucket, as well. Thank you so much for sponsoring this I have to make another choice. Hmmm...I shall choose #1.

Julie Marie said...

Hi Sandi, what fun giveaways!... I love those French totes from your previous posts, but I really LOVE that darling apron!... please enter me in giveaway #2... I hope I win!... I am putting your button on my sidebar right now with a link and will come back and comment when it is done... xoxo Julie Marie

Julie Marie said...

Hi again, ok, you are now on my sidebar with a link back to your blog... wish me luck!... I LOVE that apron!... xoxo Julie Marie

Trisha said...

Everything you bought was drool-worthy!! I love giveaway #2, though both of them would be amazing to win!!


stefanie said...

ooooo, sooo hard, I love the bags! and I am in LOVE with giveaway 2!!! thanks soo much for the chance!

stefanie said...

just posted on my sidebar, thanks

Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

Sandi ~
You got the coolest stuff from Peacock Park !! I just love their style ~
I am thinking I love the wire baskets and anything with French wording~

I would love to win your giveaway !!!


Amy Kinser said...

Okay, I picked the hardest thing to spell...the terrarium cover. I love it and I love the baskets and the totes and the...well everything. My goodness the prices were great on this trip.

Thanks for the chance to win a great goodie.

blessings, Amy

Brenda ~ The Heminger Farmhouse said...

Hi Sandi ~ I adore everything you bought, especially those fab market totes and the frenchy books~ I would love a chance to win one of your fabulous giveaways ~ If I must choose which giveaway to win.......goodness......okay, giveaway #2, as I am such a lover of pretty roses.

Live Better For Less said...

Hello again! I have just blogged about your giveaway & added your button to my sidebar! Thank you again for such a wonderful giveaway!

Faded Charm said...

Hi Sandi....Well I think you know that No. 1 would be my fave. As for my favorite thing you picked up....let me think, I guess I would have to say "all of it"!!!!! What a wonderful sale to be able to attend.

Thanks for being so sweet and giving us an opportunity to win something fabulous!



Brenda ~ The Heminger Farmhouse said...

Hello again, I'm back to let you know that I have your giveaway pic on my sidebar, and linked right back to this post :)

Poca Luna said...

Sandi, i like drawing no. 2 and my favorite item on your blog is the 2 frenchy wire baskets! thanks you for offering a giveaway! Hope I win!

Lady Farmer said...

Oh, Sandi!
I love everything you bought, but my favorites are the wooden crates with garden pots, any of the pots, and the wire cloche thingy! And I really like both of the giveaways, but perhaps #2 the best!
Thanks for being so generous and offering two giveaways!

Lady Farmer said...

I'm back!
I just put your giveaway on my sidebar!
Thanks again!

Terri Gordon said...

Hello Sandi, I want to thank you for sharing the beautiful things you found and also the wonderful store, I will have to get there some day, since I live in Michigan. What a wonderful giveaway, I love the totes, they are beautiful. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win. Have a wonderful week. Terri

raggygirlvintage said...

Hi Sandy, I would have to say the France bucket closely followed by the totes! And I'd love to be entered for #1.

Gypsea Nurse said...

I must say this mermaid is going to pick #2..
The bag.. the beach combing.. you can never have enough!
Very beautiful and generous giveaway!
ps.. you are on my side bar!

WhiteWhispers2u said...

So hard to choose my dear, but I would have to say the totes, wire baskets and then the books.~Cheers Kim

ProjectHope7 said...

loved the Garden flowers flower/garden caddy with the large handle... it is shown with little grey pots in it. it would be perfect I think for growing little pots of herbs! or flowers for that matter!
Would love to be entered into the draw for giveaway 1 of the market tote and canvas. thanks so much!

cathy b
pbprojecthope at yahoo dot com

It's me said...

Beautiful give away.....o no !! not for me !!!....hahahh!! Ria...happy

Unknown said...

I love the Frenchy signs. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

I would like to be entered in the first giveaway.

bellefleur said...

I love those tote bags. But wire baskets are great to have also. Hard to chose a favorite!

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Yahooo!!! You know I loved everything you st...I mean came home with (hee hee) but my favorite were the books! Although I love the tote in the first giveaway package which has my name all over it!! til June anniversary, hoping it gives me extra luck!!

Thanks for the chance Sandi!!

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

I posted about your giveaway Sandi!!

Georgia Gibbons said...

it wasn't easy to pick, but I loved the book boxes covered in the very cool script papers. Hard to choose which giveaway would be the best, too. No #1.
thanks for the chance to win!!!

Unknown said...

My favorite "frenchy item"? do i have to chose? hmmmmm...would have to be the "France" pail. tres beau! your giveaway is divine....i would love the opportunity to win. enter me in Number 1 sil vous plait? merci!

wandalee said...

Oooh - decisions, decisions! I'm digging the wire baskets just a smidge more than the totes - but just by a "whisker"! :-) Would be happy to win either (having NEVER won a giveaway yet!).. maybe the tote one because I'm a "lavender" freak :-)
Wanda in NH

licha20 said...

I fell in love with the French books...and everything else!!

Unknown said...

I found your blog though A Cottage Muse.. and so happy I did I am now your newest follower.. I thought I would try and win one of your beautiful giveaways... I love #1 WOW would this be perfect in my newly painted kitchen... thank you for having this wonderful giveaway have a great day


The Feathered Nest said...

AHHHHHH!!! I cannot believe you were able to go to this sale girl!!!!!! I'm so in love with everything Peacock Park...I visited their showroom at the market in Atlanta and practically drooled over everything Sandi! I'm in love with the large wire terrarium cover, the covered books with antique text...let's see, the wonderful old looking sign...where should I stop??? I love giveaway #1 too. Great deals, I'm so happy one of us could go! hugs and love, Dawn

SuZeQ said...

Ohhhhhhh - the wire baskets. Yessiree, that's my favorite treasure. The giveaway that has my name all over it is most definately #1. Yep. It's door #1.

Kathy Ellen said...

Oh Sandi...I just love your fabulous French treasures! My favorite one is the pink canvas apron and pink rose tin wall hanging (#2). I am going to post about your giveaway on my blog right now and add it to my sidebar too! Thanks so much!

ShabbyESP said...

Please enter me in the giveaway!! I love both giveaways but LOVE the rose print and the apron.
Door #2 Please!!
Thank you
Suzann ~xoxo~

Lady Pamela said...

Well Sandi, I am going to try to win your giveaway, since June is my birthday month. But I will choose 2 favorites. One is the gray sign that says in French Perfume of St.Martin since that of course is my last name. The other is the bath products because they had some white sewing maching drawers, just what I need for my office armoir.

Trisha said...

I have added your button to my sidebar!!


Okio B Designs said...

I of course love the totes you found there! Such great prices too - I almost fell off the chair!
Please count me in for giveaway
#1. Coming over from a Cottage Muse and a happy new follower!


Linecas have said...

hi Sandi!
Thank you for entering my give away.
I have visitied you many times before. You are an inspiration to me. Love your altered bottles btw.
Xo Lineca Norway.:)

Ido said...

Wow, this giveaway is soooo beautiful. I just found your blog and became your follower, loved the posts of peacock park, I couldn't decide for just one item, sorry, everything is just beautiful!
Have a lovely week!

Ido said...

I grabbed your button and posted it on my sidebar!
XXXX ido

Anonymous said...

it felt like being in France again... the bags are to Live for.
Please count me in for #1.
Thanks for the chance

Unknown said...

I love those french wire baskets!!

Please enter me in giveaway #1.

You have an awesome blog! Count me as a new follower...


QueenBe said...

Sandi, I am stilll in dis-belief at how many treasures you and I both picked up at Peacock. I wish more than anything she would have another sale soon! I absolutely love the French script canvas tote you blogged about, and never saw those at the sale. I would love to be included in that give-away! Thanks Sandi, Carol

Linda said...

Gosh Sandi, how do I pick. I like it all. You pick for
Thanks for the giveaway. I am a new follower.

Donna Reyne' said...

Hi Sandi!
I am so glad i got a chance to peak out over the top of my sewing machine and saw that you were havin' a give-away!
I would love to have the canvas tote!
Though I would be thrilled to have anything you choose!
I can't wait to see you in 25 days!
Have a wonderful evening

Irene said...

I love it all. Please include me in either draw.

Fig said...

Ooh La La! Tres belle treasures mon amie! Everything you found is so darling! They all remind me of my grandmother (she is the reason I took five years of french in school and I miss her dearly!) If you please, could you enter me in drawing numero deux. Merci beaucoup! I will attempt to add your beautiful pictures to my sidebar tout de suite to have a second chance. I am very new at blogging and I am figuring it out as I go ;)

Fig said...

Ooh La la! Tres chic. I love all your cutsie things. They remind me of my grandmother...she is the reason I took 5 years of French in school! If I could be so lucky to win your drawing--merci beaucoup, you decide. I will be thrilled to put something on my sidebar. I am a new blogger, thanks to Boston Bee!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Your header is exquisite. It has so much detail and depth yet remains peaceful.

# 1 is my fav.

- Joy

Blessings from Cindy said...

You didn't make it easy, but I think the canvas prints were my fav. I would choose #2 because I love roses, but #1 is wonderful too.

Carol said...

My goodness, how could you choose just one favorite treasure, and what wonderful deals. I really have two favorites amongst your finds. I looove the wire terrarium, just think of all the possibilities. And the Bistro table is so sweet.
It would be lovely if you would please enter me in the drawing for one of those sweet shopping totes.



time worn interiors said...

I love the book boxes! They look so cool and would be very handy to put some junk in! Actually I love all the stuff that was at her sale! I love the first giveaway, I'm not really into roses! Can't wait to see who the winner is! Have a great week!

time worn interiors said...

I blogged about your giveaway! I still only like the goodies in picture #1! I'm so excited!

Unknown said...

You are way too kind! 2 Giveaways... WOW! and lovely ones at that! I love them both and would be just ecstatic to be a winner of 1 or 2. On some things, the Queen is not picky~LOL! I love your blog also...I am a follower! Fingers crossed, Tiffany...visit me sometimes over at my royal blog.

mo said...

Hi Sandi,

You always have such heavenly items.

I love all of the signs. If I must pick one, it is the lavender or perfumerie one.

Just beautiful.



mo said...

Oops. Forgot to add that I would love to be entered into your 1st giveaway.

Thank you.


mo said...

Hi Sandy, I happily added your giveaway AND your blog button to my sidebar over at "Rose Petals from Heaven". Both are just beautiful.


Unknown said...

...seriously ~ what is my favorite ONE thing??? out of aalllll those fabo things you showed us???

ok...ok...if I had to choose, I pick this one: the little pots with the "wire cage thingy" and the large chicken wire terrarium cover:)(yah,yah ~ that's two!)
hhhmmmm...prize choice...
~ either prize, 1 or 2 would be most appreciated and loved!
thank you for sharing your booty with us...
xo, Rosemary

Honey at 2805 said...

So many lovely things, but love the wire baskets!

Honey at 2805 said...

Please enter me for #1, the canvas tote. Thanks for a beautiful giveaway. You are so generous!

Passionate for White said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win something AWESOME - the French Tote would be neat to have. Also, I liked the French Flower bucket from your prior post.


Hi Sandi, Thanks for the wonderful giveaways. Love all of your great bargain finds, but my fav is the French tote in giveaway #1. Beautiful treasures for a lucky winner!
~ Julie


Hi Sandi, Your fantastic giveaway is now posted on my side bar!
Thanks so much!
I'm also having a vintage shabby roses giveaway if you want to enter.
~ Julie

Faded Charm said...

Hi Sandi,

Just wanted to let you know that I'm going to give your giveaway a shout out today on my WW post and also add it to my sidebar.

Thanks again.


Fabulously French said...

Wow lucky you, so many lovely items

I especailly love the tote bag so can you please enter me in draw no. 1

Merci beaucoup from your latest follower...

Leeann x

Ruffles and Relics said...

They are all just wonderful but the 2 baskets are my favorites.. Thanks for the great giveway!! Tina

Robin said...

Love it all but I'll go with wire baskts as my favorite. Giveaway choice is #1. Thanks!

Jackie said...

I love French wire baskets but really like it all!!!! Really like the terrarium wire cover too.

EnchantedBella said...

I would love to be enteder in the first giveaway #1 and my favorit would be the french book boxes. They are beautiful

EnchantedBella said...

I have grabbed you button and added it to my sidebar.

Thank you Rebecca

Cindy said...

I would love to put my name in the hat and I would love to win the lovely apron and the rose picture. They are all lovely! Thanks so much for the chance to win them.
Hugs, Cindy

Suzie Button said...

I loved the french wire baskets! Everything was gorgeous though! Susan purrpage3 at verizon dot net

Susie said...

sandy, i love the roses..your apron reminds me, i have sister day for my sisters 3-4 times a year. i made my sisters wear aprons all day last july..we took our walk down the road with our aprons on ...and an old gent stopped and ask where the seed company was,haha. he actually thought we were farmer's wifes i guess. my brother calls us the ya-ya's.:):) smiles, susie

Suzie Button said...

I posted on the sidebar of my blog at

Suzie Button said...

I would love to be entered for the number one giveaway! Thanks! Susan purrpage3 at verizon dot net

BailiwickStudio said...

I love the frenchy totes and the canvas prints... they're all SO beautiful! And lavender is one of my favorite things, so I'd love to be entered in giveaway #1! My fingers are crossed... ::Jill

Anonymous said...

Love the French totes! The flower bucket is pretty too. It's hard to pick a fav! Thanks, Maureen

My Shabby Streamside Studio said...

I loved the huge wire terrarium cover!

Choosing #1, thanks!

My Shabby Streamside Studio said...

Put your button in my sidebar!

Anonymous said...

You have too many pretties to decide on just favorite but the french books and the wire baskets are awesome!


Anonymous said...

Just posted your news on my sidebar:)


sweetpea said...

sandi, coming over from kathleen's. i love the books and the tote! i love gina, met her in texas. what a sweetie! please enter me in drawing number one!



Heaven's Walk said...

Oh, the totes...the totes!! Or.....maybe those cute little pots....? Such a wonderful giveaway, Sandi! Thanks for the opportunity to win! ♥

xoox laurie

Heaven's Walk said...

I'm posting it on my sidebar, Sandi! ♥

xoxo laurie

melanie said...

wow...where have I been?...just found your lovely...and a giveaway? How could I possibly choose between the two, they are both awesome! I would be a lucky girl, indeed to win either!

Frances said...

What lovely giveaways! I would like to enter #1!! My favorite item from your post is the Eiffel Tower coasters--I love anything with the Eiffel Tower on it! You are very generous and you really got many beautiful bargains on your shopping expedition! Thanks!

Judi Spinetti said...

#1 I love the canvasses and the wire terrarium cover


Oh my, how could I choose? I love the French wire baskets and the French book boxes and the totes. Really...choose? I think not! :-) Please count me in.

Thanks for the chance,

Lynn at Cottage and Creek said...

I love the frenchy wire baskets you purchased, Sandi. What a fabulous time you must've had! Such treasures. I would love to win giveaway No. 2. The apron is so cute!

Theresa N. said...

My favorite post was with the french wire basket. I thought I'd be smart a few years back and make my own french wire bread basket. Well being married to an electrician I made it out of cooper wire, my husband tells me all the time it's worth a mint now and I don't think he's referring to my work. :) Oh before I forget contest #1, but their both wonderful.
Theresa N

blessings said...

Hi Sandi. I can't believe you have one of those bags! I used to have them in my inventory and never kept one for myself. I've always wished that I had! It was my absolute favorite. Thank you so much for offering such great items. I would love to win the tote!

Blessings... Polly

C Pohl said...

love all of it, very hard to decide love wire baskets and canvas prints, if i win i will let you pic...
thank you

angelework said...

I'm a new follower and delighted to be able to enter this drawing. The treasures from Peacock Park that are in Drawing 1 capture my heart!

She Uses Her Words said...

Hard to choose a favorite but mine is the Peacock Park caddy. What a great little piece!
If I win a giveaway, either one would be fine with me!
Take Care, Karen

Michele @ {Primp} said...

I would love the giveaway #1--love that tote! I loved the frenchy wire baskets and that huge terrarium--too cool!

vikki said...

Wow I loved all your treasures and drooled a bit as well. But I guess I was really loving the Frenchy wire baskets. So cute.

Lorraine said...

Seriously, choose 1 item for my favorite? I do love the French flower bucket. Lucky you, what a lovely haul! Both your giveaways are lovely, but I'd have to give the edge to choice #1.
Hope it's lucky me!

Lorraine said...

Hi Sandi--I just blogged about your giveaway and put your badge on my sidebar! Fingers crossed....

Maude Lynn said...

I love the Flower Caddy!

Nikki said...

I am new to blogging so am delighted to find your blog. The french tote is delightful...and I love the book boxes too...actually I love all things French so it it really hard to pick a favorite. Thanks for the opportunity to win this give-away!

Di@Cottage-Wishes said...

I loved the wire baskets!! The french post items are always beautiful. I would choose #1, I love the totes. diane

La said...

I love the canvas prints.

I would love to win either one of your packages, but the bags are my favorites.

La said...

I'm adding your button to my sidebar.

Renee {Shabby, Chic and Charming} said...

#1 for this Frenchy girl! Love it!!

bumblebee said...

wow, such beautiful things, I LOVE the huge terrarium cover, o wow! Thank you! I would like to win giveaway number 1!

Carol said...

Just found your blog and so glad I did. I love it! To pick a favorite item, that's a tough one, but I really love the totes.
Thanks for the chance to enter.

countrycharisma said...

Wow! Very nice French wire baskets. Would make wonderful accent and display. Can see them with wash clothes, soaps, toiletries, all kinds of good things in them! I am posting a link to your giveaway right now. Love the tote #1!

Kathy said...

Love your finds - especially the post and the wire enclosures - actually loved them all - would have chosen those books too! I'd love to win either giveaway - but, if I had to choose - I'd go for the apron - love aprons!
Thanks so much,

Diane said...

I am over from Faded Charm and so glad I came across your blog, its wonderful! I checked out your Peacock Park blogs and I must say I love everything, but really liked the wired cage thingy. Count me in for the giveaway #2 (#1 was great too)! Diane

Diane said...

I just joined your fan club! I have also put your giveaway on my side bar. I will keep my fingers crossed! Diane

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

Oh everything is so lovely!! I'd sure love the tote and print! Thanks for offering to share your treasures!!

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

I'm adding your giveaway to my blog under my "Giveaway" section!

Becky Shander said...

The totes are so simple yet VERY special...definitely something that would become a staple for me.