First off, let me say that I am not very good
at receiving and giving back these blog awards.
I get wrapped up in other blog posts and just plain
busy with life in general and I tend to
forget all about them. Then I feel bad for the
person who has so generously taken their
time to award me with them.
So to all who have awarded me lately
and I have dropped the ball so to speak...
please accept my sincere apologies ~

I am thinking that I received the honest scrap award
twice, but I can't remember who else sent it.
I don't think I am worthy of any awards
since I can't seem to follow through.
I do love the thought though.
Congrats on your award Sandi, and very well deserved!
Have a great day!
Sandi... I also feel the same way you do about the awards.... They are a nice thought but it is hard to post about them and I don't like sending them onto someone else as I am sure they probably have the same feeling... Besides I think all my readers know me by now and I share as much as I would like to share... So I understand.....
I feel the same way you do & you don't have to post or respond to this award. I too have "dropped" some well meaning awards.
I simple wanted you to know how much our friendship means to me!!
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