What's not to
about fall in Michigan~
It is the one time of year that
I am glad I live here~

this, but it made for a good picture...lol ~
beautiful trees in my front yard ~
gorgeous mums ~
sunlight blending with the flowers~
I took the above photo at the greenhouse~

they look so pretty~
majestic tree at my home ~

is out and about trimming trees away from the
electric lines. They will decide whether to totally
cut down our trees or trim them.
I pray that they only trim them
or yours truly just may
have to stage a
Sit in ~
The trees do look awful after a trimming.
They look like a giant Godzilla came along and
took huge bites out of them and they look
but I would much rather have that than
to lose the trees. These are the only trees
in the front yard and we don't
have many in the back yard either.
Keeping my fingers crossed ~
Sandi, this is such a pretty post! I love your pictures! It truly is beautiful here in Michigan, isnt it? I sure hope they dont cut your beautiful trees down!!! It breaks my heart when trees are cut down!!
I love those beautiful fall scenes! Thank you for sharing!
Photos are beautiful.... I hope they will choose to just trim your trees... I have seen some that really look funny with the whole center out of them however. They look like a slingshot.... Blessing to you today....
That's a great description of what trees look like after the electric company gets done with them! But you're right, it's better than losing those wonderful trees. I love those shots of all the different colored leaves. Only Mother Nature could paint such a pretty picture!
Sandi, you asked on my blog about a wooden instrument at the Covered Bridge Festival. That would be the pan flute! My husband and I joked that the fest didn't officially start until we could here the lovely sounds of the pan flute wafting through the air!
Have a great day!
I'll sit on a mat in front of your trees and protest with you;)
I'll keep my fingers crossed too. I wouldn't be able to stand it if they cut them down. Your lawn of leaves is stunning!
I loved Michigan in the Fall and Spring! Does your tree turn bright red? We had one like that.
That's too bad about the power company but I guess they have to do what the have to do.
When I was a little girl, I protested along with my big hippie brothers and sister against the power company wanting to cut down my tree with my tree house in it! they didn't cut it down- just trimmed! ♥
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