I had to share my favorite coffee drink here at home. Have you ever had this? General Foods International... French Vanilla Nut? I am hooked on it! Most days I top it off with whipped cream and a tiny sprinkling of cinnamon/sugar and it is just delicious ~

Today was spent going to church this morning and then off to our youngest son's house for lunch and grandbaby time! I can't believe that precious little girl will be two years old in March already. She is a sweetheart and we enjoy her so much. She has decided she absolutely loves those little grape tomatoes. Can you believe it? At her age...amazing! She calls them *TOES* which is just too cute! She came up to me when I was preparing them saying, *TOES....TOES...* I think she must have eaten 10 or more of them. Too funny! And she eats the whole thing! When she started this a few months ago she would suck the insides out and leave the skin, but not anymore. She is a *TOE* lover all the way! I hope you had a wonderful day! Blessings ~
What a cute story! I too love the coffee, but am trying to cut back as I tended to go a little overboard the last few weeks when all of our Soldiers starting coming home ... at all hours of the night and day! Moderation is the key, I guess.
What a wonderul little sweetheart! I love her calling them TOES!! You must be so proud.
Aren't grandkids just the best?!
I'm so glad you get to see her often.
Blessings this week,
That drink looks amazing...right up my alley! And how cute about the "toes"! So sweet ;)
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