The origin of the word
Daisy is Anglo Saxon
“daes eage” literally meaning “day’s eye”.
It was called this because daisies open at dawn
as the day is just beginning.
I picked a few daisies along the edge of our
property and snapped a few photos.

This will be a busy week for me as my sister and hubby
are visiting from PA. I doubt I will be in blogland
much , but will play catch up next week.
{oops...accidentally blew away my signature again! }
Sandi your post today made me think of lazy summer days at my Nana's cottage where she had lots of Daisy's growing! Thanks!!
My Daisies are just beginning to open!!
Have a wonderful visit with your family!!
Beautiful photos! Love the containers you have the lovely daisies contained in!
so pretty! enjoy your family my friend.
Enjoy your time....
One of my favorite flowers. So fresh and lovely. Summer Perfection!
Hi Sandi... I love all flowers, but Daisies have to be at the very top of the list! Yours are beautiful! Happy 4th of July to you! xoxo Julie Marie
i swear, your photos get prettier and prettier with every post. (i hope that came across as a compliment. it was surely meant to be one.)
love this post to pieces!
I lost my daisies, don't know why? Maybe I'll be planting some this weekend.
Sandi I didn't know this about the daisy. Your little daisies are so pretty. Daisies cheer up any home. I love your pictures girl!!!
G'morn, Sweet friend ~ I did not know this about the daisy ... but then I never thought to question it, either. Chuckle! TY for the lesson.
Daisies are such warm welcoming beauties in the gardens ... mine are yellow.
Pop by & tell me what you think ... my first venture.
Tomorrow we are taking the 2 real kid-lings to amusement park ... long trip, but fun. I love just being a kid for a day.
Have a beautiful safe 4th!
TTFN ~ Hugs,Marydon
Oh I LOVE what you did with the hanging ones. How pretty! Enjoy those gorgeous daisies! I couldn't believe how many butterflies we saw on your road yesterday. We don't have them much around here. We're lucky to see a monarch or two per summer :(
Oh my gosh... I love your blog!
I am for sure signing up to be a
follower! I am pretty new at this, if you have time, check out my blog at: www.msbinglesvintagechristmas.com
Happy 4th to you and yours!
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