My parents 52nd Anniversary is today and I took a trip down memory lane back to their 50th anniversary party that we held for them two years ago. I did all the planning, decorations and I also made the invitations and favors. Please take a moment and reminisce with me...
Aren't they just the cutest couple ever??

This is their cake that I ordered...the best cake ever!!!! There is a local gal who makes the most delicious and moist cakes ever and we call it "Kristy cake" because her name is Kristy. We go to events around here and say ," Is that Kristy cake"...seriously....I have never had any better. She can make any design also. I just took her a picture and she made this gorgeous cake!

More pictures of the cake and decor...I am looking at this picture now and thinking we should have used real silverware and not plastic, but at the time we thought it was a good idea.

The invitations that I made...I don't have photo shop or anything so just made these in word processor and believe me it took me many hours and days to get them just right, but it was worth every minute I spent. I love the saying on it, "Your love is a treasured gift...we request no other"....

A photo board I put together of old pictures....sorry for the glare. The card in the middle is very pretty and has 50th anniversary printed on it...I believe I got it at Hallmark.

More decorations....we had moms wedding dress and her shoes displayed as well.
I had a lot of old pictures copied in sepia tones and did them like scrapbook pages and had these sitting on the round tables for the centerpieces.

My daughter and son-in-law also made a dvd of hundreds of pictures through the years and they were all done in sepia tones as well. They made a gorgeous cover and also the dvd was amazing. Maybe I can find pictures of that and add it later. My parents mean so much to me and I thank God every day for their lives and for bringing me up in a Christian home. Have a blessed day!
You did a BEAUTIFUL job with that, Sandi! I saved some of the little favor cards you made with their pics on them and ran across them the other day. :-)
WOW Sandi, I haven't looked at your blog for a long time...very nice! I had fun just browsing!!! Love you!
your sis
You have a lovely blog. I have only just seen the photos but I plan to come back and have a good long read at your posts.
I decorated all white for Christmas this year, I have a lot of collecting to do yet!
Your blog is such a joy! What a beautiful tribute to 50 years of love!
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