My real treasures are my grandchildren...I know that I have shared with you before that I watch our precious little granddaughter one day a week and she is just a delight. She is talking more all the time now and some of the words include: ihsha (for my other granddaughter Allysha), Kee (for candy or Keira(granddaughter number 3), sharrrr (shower), I wuv you, MOM, paw paw and on and on. Her little baby voice just melts my heart. She was playing on my tiny ladder in this picture, but no worries, her grandma and her grandpa were right behind her so she wouldn't fall. Aren't grandchildren just the best? We get to love them, spoil them and send them back home to mom and dad. Blessings to you and yours today!
Oh she is a cutie patootie!!
It sounds like you have such a wonderful time with your grandchildren!
What a cutie pie!
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