digging around and seeing what treasures I could find.
I asked her if I could take her picture and without hesitation she said,
"Why SURE"
and then she graciously thanked me when I was done
{she usually wears purple , but today she surprised me with red} ~
She is closing in November ~
When you enter the doors she will tell you that almost everything is 75% off,
but there are some things that are marked firm and they are now 1/2 off~
This was my first photo as I entered the store~

the right person to come along and purchase~
Dishes galore~
All magazines are $1.00 each ~
All kinds of boxes and tins ~

marked $200 so now it would be $50. I have no idea if that
is good or bad ~

10 cents each now~
is just full of books and ephemera?
This is the shot as I walked down the stairs and this is only
There are several...
another separate room~
$10.00 and under and those are now $1.00 each.
Maybe from these photos you can see why I continue to go back
periodically and come home with a few inexpensive treasures.
I wish I could take you all with me.
Eva told me that she hopes a rich man comes along
and buys the place and then hires someone to run it.
Too sweet...
I will miss her ~
OMGoodness.... I was beginning to salivate!! What a great shop & 75% off!! WOO HOO... Have some fun for me!!
Eva seems like a sweet lady...and I would love to dive into that shop as well! Such nice goodies!
Nice job on the new banner, Sandi. Did you make it yourself?
I would have so much fun looking through all those things...and probably leave with no money lol! Love that little statue too! I want, I want!
I am in love with your new banner Sandi! It is so refreshing and beautiful!
So happy Pamela directed you to my blog as now I have found your gorgeous blog. Your photographs of those hydrangeas are absolutely stunning!!! Will come back and visit often!!
I love the pic of Eva - I feel I know her- can even hear the way she talks. I would be in heaven in her shop!!
I bet she can tell some good stories! ♥
I could pass away a few hours there...please tell her I enjoyed 'meeting' her...
Betty @ Country Charm
What a smile! And that does look like a place to ge *lost* shopping in!
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