By nature, I tend to be a worry wart , but God has been
helping me lately to put things in His hands and not worry
so much about things that I can't control anyways.
I thought I was doing pretty good until last night
when a family situation arose that I can't even
begin to control. I had a good cry fest and
got up to this devotion in my email today.
"Jesus calls us to a way of living that gives no thought for
tomorrow and puts our future wholly into His hands.
He tells us,
not to be be anxious or troubled about tomorrow.
When you think about it, most of our anxieties are
about what might happen tomorrow.
We're constantly harrassed by two little words:
What if ?
What if the economy fails and I lose my job?
How will I pay the mortgage?
How will my family be able to survive?
And what if I lose my health insurance?
If I get sick or have to be hospitalized
we will be ruined. Or,
What if my faith fails me in trying times?
We all have a thousand
"What if "anxieties.
God tells us not to worry about these what if's and
that He will take care of us no matter what happens.
{and I love this next part}
We gladly give all our yesterdays to the Lord,
turning over past sins. We trust Him for forgiveness
of all our past failures, doubts, and fears.
So, why don't we do the same with
our tomorrows.