Just had to start with
the good
to Erica at Meadowstreet
and I will be receiving these gorgeous roses any day now.
I may even be persuaded to give one away
if you beg and plead...lol~
I start my creations in this room,
plenty of space to create in

{in the dining room}
{in the kitchen}
I think I have an incurable disease
it is called
Try as I might I cannot seem to keep everything in
one room.
Seriously...I need to work on that.
I did get this chaos all cleaned up after the pix...
we will see how long that lasts.
Does anyone else have this problem...
please tell me that
it isn't just me ~
Have a wonderful day filled with
unexpected blessings~
It most definitely isn't just you my sewing room is a disaster it's in one room but all over it your lovely things make up for it and YES give one of those beautiful roses away I'd love it!!!
Sandi... it it not you...but I also know you can't work till everything is everywhere and if I sraighten it up I can't find anything.....
I think it is beautiful chaos Sandi!! Seriously, it is a beautiful "mess" if you could call it that! I love how you used ribbon for drawer handles!! How darn clever are you??
I WILL beg for one of those roses, lol!! I have been dying to get my hands one some of Erica's GORGEOUS creations! I think I am going to get some of her roses for Christmas gifts to friends this year too. They are just exquisite. I love that you sent your own ribbon to her! The color is wonderful :)
Ohhh Sandi girl it is sooo not you ! I have stuff everywhere and it is at that overwhelming stage right now for me ~
I LOVE Erica's roses !
We are going to the Dallas World Trade Center gift show ~
You can see our journey at our new blog here ~
I know the feeling however I try to keep it all in my sewing room and I usually make a point to tidy up before starting another project. My room is only 9' X 9' and have two sewing tables in it.LOL. Yes I would love to have one of those roses they are spectacular.
Sandi, it's not just you. Believe me! My "craft room" is down in the basement, but it's just too gloomy down there, so I always end up working on things on the kitchen table too. And I'm sorry, maybe it's just ME, but I can find things easier in the chaos than I can when they're put away!
P.S. You are very brave to show a picture of your chaos!
LOL Well, I don't travel from room to room, but my room always starts out clean, with lots of table space to create. And before I know it, I'm working in a tiny little spot. It's like I can't create without chaos!
Oh no, it is not only you:)...
Those roses are gorgeous!
Some people thrive in chaos... I don't. Sometimes I think I spend more time sorting & straightening than actually creating!! LOL!!
Have a Wonderful Weekend!
I am begging and pleading ~ please give one of those roses away(to me, please)!
That disease is rampant across the land! I caught it many years ago and haven't been able to shake it still! I think it is terminal! But I figure I enjoy what the place looks like when I do get around to tidying it all up ~ for a few minutes at least, until the next project begins! What an addiction!
But what fun!
I am pretty sure I have that same disease...lol! And I end up at the dining table too once the studio gets too messy...
It isn't just you. I used to have that problem. Until I decided to take over the formal dining room. It is the largest room in the house and well we don't do much entertaining so it was sad to just have it sitting empty and pretty all the time but not being used. So, I moved the dining room to the sitting room - which never got used either - we use the den. Then I took over the dining room to make my craft room. I now have an island to work at, a round table to work at and a long counter to work at. My kids have a farm table to work at with me. So, much easier and I can just walk away when I want to. :)
But seriously, all that is important is you keep on creating.
No, no definitly not just you! But somehow how your messes look prettier than my messes.
Oh my Sandi, I sure hope you show us the beautiful blooms she makes for you out of your ribbons.
Everyone who is creative...well, there house is messy. I am always doing projects and get frustrated how my project room and dining room are always in disaster mode. Oh well...I love creativity and I will just live with the mess!
You are not the only one and I'm so happy to hear this... how does everything end up all over the house? I used to blame it on my daughter, but it's messier around here now than it was before ;)
(Us creative souls are messy!)
Hummm... I wish my place looked that on a day I'm not making a mess!!
I love the roses! I adore your dresser pulls too. You sound just like me. When I am in the creating mood, housework is not an option. My lovely artroom is full to the brim and now I have removed the bed from the spare room and set up a sewing section too. If I try to organize then I can't find a thing! My hubby is feelin' kinda' crowded...lol He has his mess downstairs, (Thank Goodness!)
I would love to have a rose to brighten my mess.
Hi, Just scrolling down your blog..have enjoyed the visit..but had to comment on your post about your crafting room. I seem to have an unorganized painting/craft room. I have thought of taking pics of it but it is just horrible. We just made a major move and I havent gotten everything sorted out. I love those tart pans..I ust to have alot of them..but dont know where they are at. I would love to do something like you did with them Will come back to visit. Blessings Sally
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