designs and I found this silverware for a *song*.
{sure seems like I sing a lot doesn't}
It was very grimy looking so I polished it up and was
amazed at how beautiful it is.
years ago. It was burgundy in color so this past summer
I painted it white. Next I added pieces of vintage wallpaper
to the inside. I then gave the wallpaper two or three coats
of Matte Mod podge.
Love how it turned out, but now I need to get some
little wooden feet for it yet.
days I will learn how to take better ones...I hope!
I fell in love with this antique counter the moment I
saw it. It would be just perfect for my kitchen...except
for one teensy little problem...the

I love the back of it, the color, the size... so
I asked hubby if we could make one a lot cheaper
and he said *most definitely*.
{he builds cabinets and can make most anything}
This is now on my list of things*to do* things when Spring/Summer comes. We shall see if it actually gets accomplished or not. I always have these grand ideas and sometimes the time just isn't there to bring them to fruition. {Now I need to take measurements before it is
whisked away to stay in someone else's home}
Have a blessed Saturday~

Hi Sandi, that old counter is fabulous!... I hope your hubby can make one for you... and I love your vintage silverware... the designs were so pretty on the old pieces and so romantic looking... love how you have them all arranged in your little vintage drawer with the wallpaper on back!... Keep singing!... xoxo Julie Marie
Oh Sandi ~ I love your little vintage silverware and box to hold them. What a unique idea and I like how you used different wallpaper in each slot. Where do you find vintage wallpaper?
And I love that table too. I thought we were going to see your husband's version only to find out I have to wait all the way to summer :(
It was just gorgeous!
Sandi ~
I love your silverware and the caddy that you did for it ~
For some reason I am drawn to
beautiful silverware too ~
I love the kitchen island too~
We have a built in one and really like having it ~
Well you sure popped out of your "I got nothin funk" Love the counter, wish I had a spot for it. My hubby couldn't do that though. LOVE you singing silver. Ohh, is it a complete set of something or odds and ends. Doesn't matter it's great. You do sing a lot. Unfortunately the cabinet I was lusting after went into a silent auction and the price just went bonkers, so it's not going to be mine either.
I am sure hubby will make you a lovey cabinet... It is sweet.... Enjoy your white and cold weekend...
Your silverware box turned out beautifully! As did the vintage silverware. That is a gorgeous countertop but I bet your hubby's will be just as wonderful, if not better:)
love that silverware "caddy" you transformed! Very sweet and that kitchen island is magnifique! I can't wait to see what Mr. Wayside comes up with. lucky you!
Hi Sandi,
I say, your photos are great. They show the silver very nicely. But that island - WOW! I am sure your DH will whip one up in a jiffy. Go get those measurements, friend! We are blessed to have such handy husbands.
Ooooh, Sandi, you are soooo a girl after my own heart! That little wooden box has been perfectly "re-made". And all that silver, well, I LOVE it! Also love the fact that you polished it all as so many leave it tarnished these days.
Goodness, that counter is beautiful. Can I borrow your hubby to help mine make me one?!?!?
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Oh Sandi! Thanks for the idea! I have 2 vintage silerware drawers IN MY HOUSE and they need a make over. I also just aquired some vintage wall paper scraps so THAT is what I think I will do with them! At least that's my plan for now. You know how those plans can change! :)
Your silverware caddy is the paper inside & the detailed silver - i think if i were you, i'd open my drawer all the time just to peek at it's beauty! xoox
How lucky that your husband can and WILL make it for you! LOVE your vintage silverware displayed ever so pretty.
Your silverware looks so lovely in that pretty box. Wow, that counter is amazing. Hopefully your husband can make you something similar that will look just as wonderful.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
Hi Sandi...hope you had a wonderful weekend!
Love your silverware holder, it looks so pretty! you think your honey can make two of those counters? One for you and one for me!!
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