It was definitely a little girls dream come true.

How appropriate that I found this gorgeous linen pillow
today at the Goodwill. I don't think it was ever used
as it is immaculate.
It was definitely a little girls dream come true.
How appropriate that I found this gorgeous linen pillow
today at the Goodwill. I don't think it was ever used
as it is immaculate.
However, I was very surprised to realize that I already
had a basket like hers although darker in color so I
immediately took the flowers out of it that originally
came in it and started the transformation process.
Love how she turned out and this one is for
me to keep.
I used antique red cross white gauze for the ribbon, a white ruffle off of a skirt that I purchased at the Goodwill some time ago and a parchment rose. I also added a paper embellishment to the front of it. I enjoyed making it and it didn't take long at all. Just a little paint, hot glue, one burnt finger and a few minutes later wa la it was done.
Happy weekend everyone! Blessings~
Jon too!
{wow my bush needs help...hope it lives}
Allysha and Annika taking off around the house
Another Easter has come and gone and with it
Let me know if you try it...
{ I received the pink cross candle as a young child and I am so thankful that my mother saved it all these years for me}
Praying that you have a blessed Easter as we
My one regret you ask?
I have been painting some items this week
including this piece of an old shutter that I have had
for several years. I never thought I would ever regret
painting something white, but yep here I am.
living with regret.
I also had hubby cut an old door in half for me
and hinge it in the middle with old painty,
peely, creamy hinges. I need to do some work
on it yet and put the white porcelain doorknobs
back on, but I love it. Intend to take it to my
booth for a prop, but haven't accomplished that of these days.
Hopefully next Wednesday I will have my camera back and be taking new photos again to share with you. Run on over to Faded Charm for more beautiful White Wednesday posts and be sure and tell Kathleen that I said hello. :) Blessings~