This post is very random and has no rhyme or reason, but I wanted to share a few things before I head out today. Someone purchased an item for a gift from my Etsy store recently and I wrapped it up for her...isn't that tag precious ~

My most favorite perfume right now...*BELOVED* ...I really don't wear much perfume, but fell in love with this when I smelled a sample of it.
It was a gift from my son for Christmas last year~

Must have gone to Olive Garden one too many times to accumulate these pretty sugar packets. But they are *PINK* and blue and fit right in my ~

My favorite teacup at the moment...RS Prussia...$2 at an estate sale a few years ago ~

My new filing cabinet that hubby finally finished up for it!

Have a wonderful Tuesday...Blessings~
Sandi.. you are so lucky to have a husband that will make and do things for you... Tom is a great guy but just not interested in things like that... I don't even ask any more cause it's not gona happen. I am defianately on my own in that department...
What great things you showed today Sandi. I love all of it, but most especially the pretty teacup and that great filing cabinet your hubby built for you.
If you have more pretty teacups like the one you showed today, you should join me for "Teacup Tuesdays" where each Tuesday I am doing a post to show off my collection of teacups. Would love to have you join in the fun. Let me know if you would be interested in participating so I can add you to my list and include a link to your blog within my Teacup Tuesday post.
You wouldn't have to feel obligated to do it every week. Only when you want to.
Hope you have a great week!!
Might be random but I love it. I also have Beloved. My Kohls is out of it. I'm so bummed. It's my FAVORITE. I don't leave my house without perfume on. I'm probably that lady that people smell before they see me!!
Such sweet pretty things Sandi ;)
Great filing cabinet!
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