Oh my goodness!
It is sooooo hot here. Supposed to
hit 102 degrees today with a heat index that is
much higher. I will be very thankful when the heat lets
up as it is hard to do anything at all in this weather.
I have been mostly staying indoors except for yesterday
when I ran off for a haircut, pick up a prescription and to
buy my hubby some food/drink for work.
Looks like another day of pretty much the same so I
have been paying bills online , a little laundry and
staying inside! Our little air conditioner is working
it's heart out. We ususally run it at night and then turn
it off during the day because it stays pretty nice in here
with fans etc., but I haven't shut it off yet today from
last night. Just too hot!

Remember the antique booth I went to several weeks
ago and got my french items? I also purchased these two
candles in the same booth. Aren't they pretty?
My favorite corner and lampshade again

some of my old dried hydrangeas in a birdcage
Last week I headed up to the antique mall where I
used to have my booth and spotted some sidewalk
sales so I stopped back at them on the way
home. There is a very nice upscale home store and
that is where I purchased most of my items including
the dried lavender laundry sachet above. It is a nice
large size. You throw it in the dryer for a nice
lavender scent...haven't tried it yet. :)

I also found this burlap pillow cover for $2.00!!
Can't beat that. Now I just need to get a pillow form
for it.

Then I picked up two linen stockings with the initials
*S* on them. They had probably half a dozen or so
and they all had the same initial.

I hope you are having a good day today and if you
are in the midst of a heatwave like we are please stay
inside and be very careful if you do go out.
Also, please say a prayer for my hubby and son who
both are working in this awful weather.