I was soooooo tired last night and needed a good nights rest, but that was not to be. At 2:30 am our telephone rang and I have learned by now that if you get a phone call at that time in the morning it is not good news. It was my son-in-law telling me that he had taken my daughter {who is 7 months pregnant} to the hospital because of breathing difficulties and they thought she had a blood clot in the lung. {Instantly terrified mother here} Of course you don't sleep after that kind of phone call. I laid there for hours asking God to please keep her safe and told Him that I am not ready to lose my daughter at 29 years old. My mind always races to the worst scenario and I played that over in my mind several times and then I just prayed and prayed and prayed.

So glad your daughter is doing better! Those early morning phone calls are terrible! WE have had a few!
where do you get those gorgeous decals? I would have sworn that this was an antique rose plate!!
Dear Sandi,
How scary, but so happy to hear that she is doing better and that you received answered prayer!
Your plate looks beautiful!
Have a wonderful day!
OMGosh!! I'm so glad your daughter is okay! How scary!
Love the plate...I never would have guessed that was a decal...what a creative idea.
I just started a fabric book...always looking for new things to try.
I am so glad that it is Bronchitis and not anything worse!! The plate is gorgeous!! My latest finished project is a cool cotton skirt for the hot summers in AZ. Thinking about starting another one today!
You are so right about the phone call in the middle of the night. I am so happy your daughter is not as bad a thought. I will say a prayer for her....
The plate is lovely!!
Get some rest!!
Oh my gosh what a fright! Thank goodness she's ok. I like that plate too. The decal looks great :) I haven't created anything lately but I have plans...always plans LOL. I am going to start making tassels and faux cakes and cupcakes. Hopefully I can start on all this soon! LOL. Great plate :)
All the best,
Very frightening night for you... been there done that myself. I echo what everyone else says, in I am so glad it was found to be nothing as serious as you first thought.
gosh that's scary. i'm glad everything is okay. sigh.
the plate is very pretty. those decals are very cool. i put one on empty spice jar and use it for small flowers.
Hi Sandi,
I'll keep your daughter in my prayers. Hope you get some rest today and good sleep tonight! Very nice what you did with the plate and decals.
Hi Sandie...
I also dread those wake up calls also...so thankful that is wasn't anything serious and that all will be well. God is Good!!
Very beautiful decals...I thought they were part of the plate!!
I'm painting today...garage door trim, finally, and spray painting items...keeping busy with weekend.
Happy Weekend.
Deb :)
I hate those early morning calls...and I think we have all had a few of them. I hope all is going well with your daughter and I will keep her in my prayers. And the plate is gorgeous....such a good idea!
LOVE the plate! Well done you! Sorry about the phone call and night of worry! SO happy she is ok and I will of course add her to my prayer list! I'm having good luck with it lately so I'm praying double time to keep it up!!
HUGS, Lisa
I am having that same problem with several of the blogsites.I thought it was my computer but I guess it is not.
Sandi, I will definitely pray for your sweet girl. How scarey for you. I'm so glad that it wasn't the blood clots, and I hope she's well very soon.
I love the plate. I would love to know more about decals.
So glad your daughter is alright. I will keep her in my prayers. God is faithful. Love the plate by the way. Martha
Hi, Sandi!
Hmmm... *My* experience with Dr's. is that they either blow something way out of proportion or they totally overlook something serious and obvious! Well, I remind myself that they are only human. ☺ bronchitis when you're pregnant is *not* fun. well, it never is but when you have a big baby to cough with, it's really hard!
I would have never known that was a decal on that plate! It's beautiful! I just got some decals in the mail this week and I can hardly wait to use them.
I've been doing so many projects but you'll have to wait and see what they are when I post about them! ☺ ♥
So sorry to hear about your daughter and that she is OK. I will be thinking of you and her! Your plate is absolutely beautiful! Hugs, ~Nan
Praise God that your daughter is alright!!! Please keep us posted.
As for the plate-it's gorgeous:).
How terrible for you and your family. I am glad to hear it is not as bad as first thought.
I like your plate. Where do you get your decals from?
Thoughts and prayers are going out for your daughter. I recognized the decal on the plate, it's absolutely gorgeous. I am making an ATC card for a swap, not done with it as of yet.
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