Do any of you artists ever have days when the creativity just isn't flowing?
I love to create...
I love to dabble in this and that
I even make things periodically to sell...
I have been in a slump lately.
The creativity is just itching to get out even as I sit and type this.
I want to be making something...
creating anything...
but what...
For now I will continue to ponder and I will share these lovelies with you~
Imagine my delight when I found not one , but four this past weekend.
50 cents each...snatched them up right away.
I like to think I am stimulating our lagging economy with my $2.00 purchases here and there, but I highly doubt it. LOL

This verse is for you (MG)...praying for you.
I think I made the resolution on these high enough so that if you right click on them, they will get larger and then you can save them to your computer.
I have days (weeks?) where I don't do anything crafty. I think blogging has helped though, because I'm inspired by the beautiful things I see on my favorite blogs - like yours.
The postcards are lovely, thank you for sharing them. I have several that I've purchased over the past few months. Now to figure out what to do with them :)
Sandi those card are beautiful. Great find.
Such soft, pretty graphics~!
Sandi, it sounds to me like you need to organize a few drawers, then all your creativity will be in order and then flow out. ☺
Good morning Sandi.
Yes, we all have times when we can't create!
Sometimes i get so many ideas, i cannot get focused on one to get started.
I've also found that when i have a lot on my plate, and I feel fragmented, I gather, rather than craft.
These are brief seasons, and i found the more i just go with the flow, it soon passes. These are often times i spend extra time with friends, or reach out to someone i have not seen for a long time, or sit and read, or walk by the river.
A time to calm myself and reflect on His goodness.
Barbara jean
Thanks for those lovely postcards.
I'm going to post that first on this morning.
Barbara jean
Hi Sandi,
Those are awesome postcards and thanks for sharing them!!
Great price too!
Happy Weekend!
Deb :)
I start projects and then start another one...I need to finish one before I start creativeness is all over the place
Those are so pretty! I love vintage post cards too!
All the best,
I SO know how you feel Sandi!!! I'm just coming out of one myself. Seems as though it happens in cycles to me but not to worry, it will end :) Look at books, beautiful magazines, beautiful blogs....even play with your supplies....sometimes just laying them out, seeing all that you have can get yourself jumpstarted! hugs and love, Dawn
Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful postcards with scriptures. They are all so beautiful
Sandra B
Those are lovely postcards! Here's to un-slumping! (I'm in a slump myself at present, but it should pass.)
I have definitely been there...lots! Hopefully you will get out of your slump really soon...but I know it is so frustrating being there. Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful images...they are so lovely!
Glorious postcards! Thanks for sharing!
I also have non-creative days; they usually coincide with sleepless nights or disruptive children!
The creativity always returns, though, thank heavens!
Happy day!
I'm so happy to hear all helpful advice of other creative people. I think the one thing that inspires me the most is cleaning my workshop. I never, or rarely finish, because while I'm handling all my "stuff" I think of things I'd like to do with it. I hope you are out of your slump soon, you have a great blog, love reading it and lovely postcards. I do a Postcard Friendship Friday each week so I can share my postcards with others.
Dear Sandi,
those are very beautiful is hard to find beautiful things that have scripture on them.
Your creative gift comes from the LORD, so sometimes when it seems I cannot create a thing I set outside and listen to the birds, look at the amazing shades of green in the grass, leaves, and plants and the vibrant colors of the flowers...the day I was able to write a story and draw a picture just watching two grackles.
It will start flowing again
Thank you for the sweet gift.....I love to send postcards, and vintage are the best!
Your blog is lovely and inspiring! Why is it we have an easier time finding beauty in other's lives when we are discouraged by the sameness in ours?
Bless you for sharing.
Aww, thanks~written with deep gratitude! Lovely and inspirirng scripture cards...
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