I purchased this guest book (for it's beauty not because I needed one) at Home Goods a couple years ago for 3.99. I have had it for quite some time and I need some help from you ~

Isn't it just gorgeous ~

All execpt this stain at the left hand side where a price sticker was~

I am thinking of running wide ribbon down the side along with some trim to cover it up...what do you think? I laid a vintage millinery flower on it too, but I think that detracts from the beautiful flowers on the book. What color of ribbon should I use etc. I think I would have a hard time finding the color of ribbon that is the same color as the binding...HELP...pretty please~
I think it looks great in the last photo, with the white/cream ribbon.
Very pretty! You could always tea-dye some ribbon to give it a vintage look. Have fun with your project!
Sandi. I think the ribbon is great but your right the flower takes away. I think Joann's fabrics has some satin ribbon very similar to the color ribbon in the photo in different widths.
I love what you have done! It is lovely. If you want, though, to keep the book without the ribbon look, I actually love the way cloth bindings look with a little shabby white rubbed on it. This is what I do for retreat classes, actually. You take your finger and dip it into a little paint pod sample of say cream, or off white or even a brown you like with the book, etc. (Bring the book when you hit the hardware store to hold it up to the choices of paint) then rub just enough paint up and down the spine and with this in particular, because of the chippy bird decoration, you may have created quite a treasure. Well, just a tip. Or, put an old tag or embellishment just in the corner with the gooey stain. Hope that helps or even inspires you for an even better solution you think of on your own. Blessings.
~Sandi~I blogged about "our sign"! I put a link to you on my site. Its a small world!
Beautiful book! I love the old millinery flower but maybe with some ribbon the same color as it so it would not stand out so much.
Hi Ya'!
Great book! I liked the idea of tea dying a piece of ribbon!! That would look beautiful.
Good Luck & can't wait to see the finished book!!
Gorgeous book ... a band of ribbon tea dyed would be perfect. Love it! TTFN ~ Marydon
I think it looks great in the last photo as well, or I would probably go with a beigy color...I love that with tan/caramel like the binding....
I know whatever you do with it it will be amazing!!
I would go with a darker (carmel) ribbon and a more off white trim. Don't add the flower, so you will see the one on the cover first. If you place the trim near the spine then you could transition the carmel to the spine and the ribbon would be next to the cover. Then if they were not exactly the same colors they would not be noticeable. Just a thought.
Oooh I love this question. I would find a ribbon with a design that incorporates 2 or 3 major colors, and then I would glue something pretty and simple along the length of the ribbon - perhaps a few vintage ivory buttons?
Oh I think that looks just great! Goes with the picture on the front!
Hi Sandi,
I love just what you've done in that last photo. I'd stick with that idea... don't think you needed any help ;)
Have a great week!
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