My Grandma and Grandpa Good lived just down the road
from us when we were growing up, but when they got
up in years they moved to a tiny little town a few miles
away called Kunkle, Ohio and into a house right across
from the church they attended.
{my husband and I now attend there as well}
place was sold and others moved in. Sad to say it has become
very run down over the past several years. Last winter it
sustained a lot of water damage and the ceilings are even
falling down. In the near future it is to be torn down so
I just had to take a few pictures for old times sake.
better so I included them both. These were taken on
the south side of the barn.

I was flooded with memories.
Watching my dad and his dad playing carrom almost
everytime we would visit. It was fun to watch and listen
to them hollar when one of the rings went in the pocket.
Time spent with grandma through the years. Baking,
cleaning, sewing at her old treadle machine. Snitching
pieces of raw yeast dough when she was making donuts.
It was soooooooo yummy!!
We laughed, we talked, we played and had wonderful times.
Oh how I miss those days.
Look at this chain embedded in the tree. We figure someone
must have put it around the tree when it was young to
hold it together and it was never removed. Now it is
embedded in the tree. Amazing!

Grandma and grandpa lived a
very simple life
never having a lot of money, but they sure loved
their family and their God.
Grandma's prayers have followed me all throughout
my life and I miss her dearly. She prayed daily for
all her children and grandchildren that we would
come to know her wonderful Savior. Her prayers
of long ago are still being answered today.

fallen down and there is a ton of stuff in here.
I rescued a old pink table and also brought home a
white chenille spread to wash up and see if it can
be salvaged. Stuff just strewn about everywhere.
{A friend has purchased it so yes I asked first before
I took anything. lol }
It was cleaned out when our family auctioned it off, so I
am assuming the "stuff" came from others living
here. I hope I get to poke around a little more soon.
I will be linking up with Kathleen again over at
Faded Charm for another White Wednesday.
Happy day!