Are you ready for spring? After what seems like an cold winter full of endless snow, I am SO ready! I strolled out to my potting shed a couple days ago and snapped a few pictures. Some did not turn out the best, but you get the idea. My potting shed is an ongoing work in progress and will be for some time to come. We had this building moved in several years ago and I have pictures (somewhere) of it coming down our dirt road on a trailer pulled by a tractor! You know we live in the boonies when we can haul our own buildings down the road! LOL
My mother gave me this *POTTING SHED* window/shadowbox for Christmas one year ~

I saw this idea in a magazine and strolled out to hubbys shop last summer and we put these teacup and saucer posts together. I love how they turned out ~

A small set of old bedsprings...they were only $5 and I know I will find a use for them someday ~

A poor cement angel lost her wing and I could not bear to throw it away ~

This is a wreath made out of a garden hose that I received this from my best friend for my birthday one year and I love it! She made it herself...she is SO talented . (It is laying on top of my teacup and saucer posts ) ~

LOVE this antique blue cupboard that I purchased at a garage sale! Sometimes I wish it was in my house!

Lots of goodies stored in this cupboard ~

I can't wait until the weather turns warm to stay so I can get out there and do a good cleaning! It sure needs it and I am ready! I hope you have a wonderful day...Blessings!
We have the same weather here :( and I am so ready for spring too!!! I do love your potting shed...even covered in snow...and you have so many beautiful treasures there! The blue cupboard takes the cake for me!
I don't look forward to spring because I know the long, hot and humid summer is coming. When I lived up north I dreaded the long, cold winters. Now I find myself dreading summer. Either way we were stuck inside. I mowed the lawn last weekend!
I'm envious of your potting shed!
A potting shed!!!! How wonderful! I love it and everything in it. I bet you can't wait to get back in there. What a beautiful sanctuary!
Hi Sandi! I love the picture of your potting shed in winter...holding so many possibilities and promises for spring... home... and garden!! Thank you for sharing.
P.S. We made some similar items for our garden using cup and saucer...but we used a marine glue (it's clear and water proof) to hold them together. While it doesn't last as long as the screws and washers,it does allow you to reuse the china in another way if the whim should strike! And I am always one for keeping my options open! :)
Oh, I love your teacup and saucer posts. I've been hoping to find one at a bazaar or shop. How do you create them? I thought the china/porcelain would be too delicate to drill through. What am I missing? LOL
All the best, Lana
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