I have been reminiscing today and I wanted to share photos of my children with you because I know it is always nice to put a face to a name. This first picture is of my youngest son Nathan and his wife Colette. They were married in 2006 and they are the parents to my *PRECIOUS* granddaughter Annika who I get the pleasure of watching once a week while her mommy and daddy work. They really did have fairy tale wedding complete with a white horse drawn carriage driven by a man in a black tuxedo and top hat!

Next, is my oldest son Jason and his wife Melissa. They were married in 2003 and are parents to our *BEAUTIFUL PETITE* granddaughter Keira who is almost 15 months old. Jason works at Huntington College and Melissa is a stay at home mommy for now. She also worked at the college, but quit when baby Keira was born.

Last, but certainly not least is my daughter Amanda and her husband Matt. They are parents to my first grandchild...*SWEET* Allysha and also *BUSY*Jonathan and *baby- to -be* in due in August. They got married in 2003 also ...yep that is right. Her and Jason's weddings were three weeks apart ! It was a very busy time summer to say the least. My husband went on a mission trip to Jamaica at the end of June and thank God he got home in time for the weddings.

I would like to ask you all to pray for my children and their families. Nathan and Colette both work at the same place and they are getting very slow due to the bad economy. They have been on four day weeks for awhile now , but today he didn't have work either so this week was a three day week for him. It really takes a toll on you after a while.
My heart goes out to my daughter and her family. Her husband Matt works as an engineer for GM (at 24 years old...he is *SMART*) and Mandi told me they will find out in May if he has a job anymore or not. They have a beautiful new house and only God knows what will happen. You always want better for your kids and you just feel heartbroken when things like this happen through no fault of their own. So if you think about it please say a prayer for them. I know there are many other people in the same situations, but when it is your own family it really hits home. We are comforted by the fact that we serve an *AWESOME GOD* and He will take care of each and every one no matter what happens. Blessings ~
Thanks mom, you made me weepy. I love you!
Wow! I do *not* envy you with 2 weddings in 1 summer-that must have been really, really hard...but they are all beautiful and I know what you mean about still wanting to protect our children-that mama bear instinct! But, they must learn their own lessons and use their own faith-just very hard to watch-I know!
My prayers to you and your children. My hubby, my daughter and her husband have all lost their jobs in the last four months and we are now going to be living altogether. And we just found out she is pregnant with twins. These times are very hard but we all have to pull together and God will guide us through it! Blessings to you ~Sandra~
You have a beautiful family Sandi!!! (Josh and I got married in 2006 as well...I could be your daughter-in-law...lol!) I will definitely say some prayers for your daughter and son-in-law...that God will provide a way no matter what!
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