I just had to share these gorgeous images with you.
I purchased these from Eva last week and I think
that I will be heading up there again
tomorrow and dig around for some more treasures.

My husband may be working tomorrow for the first time in months,
so that is a good thing. When I go to Eva's antique store he tells people
that I went "to a store that is dusty and has a basement full
of thousands of books that smell that way too"...
lol...he doesn't share my desire to rescue what I can before she closes,
but he is always my biggest fan no matter what I do.
I wanted to make these images high resolution , but my
computer is on another slow streak today so I had to settle for
lower resolution. I do hope you enjoy them anyway.
Have a wonderful day!
Oh, how gorgeous!!!
Good luck to your dh! I love your new profile image! What a cutie pie!
You are just one of the most blessed beings I have met here. I am grateful for your posts. May I use the frolicing gals on my side bar? It reminds me of friends in my village and the way I feel about all of you when you visit. I would most definitely give credit to you and a link to this blessed blog. Thanks for considering it. Blessings and light dear and all luck to you and your hubby.
Although DH loves to go to the Flea Market to try to find "guy stuff" he just doesn't get the thrill of old books etc....
That's o.k.... I don't know why a guy needs 4 jig saws!! LOL!!
p.s. Love the images....
Oh Sandi that first picture is breathless, just so beautiful!!! Your husband is too funny :)
Oh I do love those vintage images! I can spend hours going through and looking at old photographs, postcards, etc. Thanks so much for sharing. Have a happy end of the week and weekend. Vicki
That first picture takes my breath away...it is just beautiful! Good luck finding more awesome stuff when you go...Let us see what you've find
My Best
Sandi, you asked about the rose table covering that I show on my dining room table. It is a quilt but not a very thick one, if you know what I mean. I bought it from a lady locally, but I suspect she got it from e-bay.
Hi Sandi,
I love the one of the women frolicking in the grass. So cute.
Gorgeous images Sandi!
Hello Sandi... those are wonderful photos... thanks for sharing... Bisous... Julie Marie
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