Monday, March 14, 2011

Ready for Spring!

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness
has never danced in the rain.
~Author Unknown

I am SO ready for Spring and I know many of you are
too. I even went outside this morning and hung up my
new bluebell rain chain.

Now I say...bring on the rain! :)

I have been wishing for one of these for quite some
time, but I always found something more worthy to
spend the $90 on.

My wish came true a few weeks ago.
I did a review for csn and I received an $85 credit
so this beauty only cost me $5! Even free shipping!

Just in case you don't already know... These are hung in place of a downspout on a gutter and the water runs down over the cups. I just can't wait to hear it and see it. {this has a total of 18 cups} It is supposed to rain tomorrow...yay! :)

I now have the *crud*...I thought I had made it through the winter without sickness (besides my ear problem), but nope. I have a hacking cough, sinus problems etc., but it could be worse so I am counting my blessings. Had some of the kiddos and grands in for the weekend and a few of them are sick as well. I do hate to see little ones sick so please say a prayer...

Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world. ~Virgil A. Kraft Happy Monday! Blessings~


Sweet Old Vintage said...

Hope you get rid of the crud soon...Have seen the rain chains but not installed.... Enjoy.

Julie Marie said...

What a beautiful rain chain... I have never heard of one... I am sure it will sound just beautiful as the rain falls into it... I hope you get to feeling better... this has been such a long, hard winter on everyone... but Spring really IS coming!... xoxo Julie Marie

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Can't think of a better reason to hope for rain! That is the prettiest rain chain I've ever seen!!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

**Anne** said...

Wishing spring comes for you soon too and that you are feeling much better very soon.
Anne xx

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said... sorry to hear you are under the weather ~ feel better soon!

I have never seen or heard of a rain is so cute!